In the Line of Duty 4 (1989) Review

"In the Line of Duty 4" Chinese DVD Cover

“In the Line of Duty 4” Chinese DVD Cover

AKA: Witness
Director: Yuen Woo Ping
Cast: Cynthia Khan Lai Ching, Michael Wong Man Tak, Donnie Yen Chi Tan, Yuen Yat Chor, Liu Kai Chi, Lisa Chiao Chiao, Yuen Shun Yee, Michael Woods, John Salvitti, Stephan Berwick, Farlie Ruth Kordica
Running Time: 91 min.

By Numskull

We all know they don’t make ’em like this anymore, at least not in Hong Kong, so I’ll spare you the rant. I’ll spare you the plot synopsis, too, since the story takes a back seat to the action in this film more so than in almost any other film in the genre. Donnie Yen is a sadistic asshole cop, Cynthia Khan is another cop with no personality, and Yuen Yat-Choh is the everyman. There. You’re informed. And, if you’re worried about series continuity, don’t be, because the ITLOD films have nothing to do with one another, story-wise. (Michael Wong was another cop in Royal Warriors, and a completely different character here… and yes, I am aware that I’ve just implied that Michael Wong actually has the acting skill to make his characters “completely different” in any way that matters, and I’m deeply ashamed of it, so don’t bother pointing it out.)

This is fast-paced, hard-hitting, wall-to-wall martial arts action without apology or pretense. Practically every third or fourth scene contains a fight. Maybe just a little one that’s over before it begins, but still a fight, or perhaps a beating. There’s some notable stunt work, too, like Cynthia’s ambulance stuff. The immense quality and quantity of the action makes the occasional silliness, like hiding the handcuffs from Mom, easily forgivable.

There’s not much else to say, really. This is a superb specimen of Hong Kong’s action cinema golden age. Highly recommended.

Numskull’s Rating: 8/10

By Yi-long

When did it all go wrong!? When did the HK movie industry feel their own movies were lacking in quality and did they decide it would be much better to just cast lame canto-pop singers with a lack of talent for both acting and action; and make Hollywood-style action movies!? It’s a shame that a film industry like Hong Kong’s can make so many lousy movies the last 6-7 years or so… These depressive thoughts and many more entered my mind, after I had finished watching this great action movie by Yuen Woo Ping, starring the amazing Donnie Yen. This is the kind of action which HK was known for, was famous for, will forever be associated with… it’s action every 5 minutes and it’s GREAT!

So it’s a huge shame that nowadays, these kind of movies don’t get made anymore. I don’t know exactly who is responsible for this. It might be the HK audience who decided they had enough of brave stuntmen risking their lives on amazing, unbelievable stunts, and of the leads who actually had talent for on-screen action, or it might have been some dumb-ass executives in a high office somewhere on Hong Kong Island, who don’t know shit about good movies but just think about money and decided movies would make much more cash if they would just make some romantic comedies and CGI-action movies with young pretty people who can barely hold a tone, let alone act.

Ok… on with the review now, cause we pretty much all know about the problems in the HK movie industry nowadays.

It’s a blast! Sure, no one will expect a brilliant story or great acting from this movie. I sure as hell wasn’t. There is only ONE reason you should watch this movie; ACTION! It’s your basic cops story, which starts off in America, but it quickly moves the story back to Hong Kong. It’s about the CIA dealing in some drugs and a innocent chinese guy gets caught up in all of this and thus becomes a target for the CIA. Donnie Yen and Cynthia Khan are also after the guy, because they first think he might belong to the drug-sellers, but they soon find out he was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time; Bummer(!) They soon get help assigned to them in the form of the horrible Michael Wong (famous for having the acting-abilities of a grape-fruit) who soon turns out to be EVIL, and also working for the FBI.

Like I said, story isn’t that important in this movie… it’s all about the action. Let me tell you; It’s GREAT. It’s inventive, fast and varied. It’s the kind of stuff that makes you want you want to be a HK action hero too! We have fights all over the place, we have people jumping from cranes into water, people getting kicked of bikes, bike chases, a fight on top of a driving ambulance, a white guy using some form of CRAZY-FU or whatever (GREAT FIGHT!), a big-ass black guy with a huge body (and a baaaaaaaaad mo-fo-ing moustache), an ugly white chick falling down an elevator shaft and even more. Hell, we even get some sword-fight by Michael Wong(!)

The fight scenes featuring Donnie Yen are some of the best in HK cinema’s history. I haven’t seen Tiger Cage 2 yet, which I have been told to have even superior action, but after this movie, it’s pretty near the top of my wish-list.

I won’t give this a 10 outta 10 or something, cause like I said, it doesn’t have a great story or acting, plus it has Mike in it…  so that would just be wrong. Action-wise it gets a 9 out of 10 from me, primarily because of the great fights by Donnie and the nice stunts, plus it’s fast paced and stuff happens all the time.

Overall, it gets a 8.5/10;It’s one of the best HK-style action movies out there and it’s a real shame movies like these don’t seem to get made anymore.

Yi-long’s Rating: 8.5/10

By Reefer

Hong Kong action fans often praise or pan films based on its action scenes. Based on these criteria alone, In the Line Of Duty IV should be a classic, but it isn’t. Crammed full with acrobatics, kung fu, evil villains, and some amazing stunt work, I never hear fans even discuss it. Poor characterizations are a large part of the disrespect this film receives. Even die-hard fans must find it difficult make an emotional investment in the adventures of a cold, uninteresting female cop (Khan) and surly, abusive American cop (Yen) and Michael Wong (duh?) as they track an innocent HK immigrant (Yuen Yat Chor) accused of murder from the U.S. to Hong Kong.

Yuen Yat Chor’s Luk is really the only compelling character in the whole film and he is unfortunately brushed to the side so that Yen and Khan can bicker like the parents of a precocious child. Luk, as played by Yuen Yat Chor, possesses a likability comparable to that of Jackie Chan, a harmless guy thrown into hazardous situations forced to fight back. Luk would have been a great character on which to center the movie; instead he is used as a plot device to set up the various fights.

And fight they do. There’s a joust on motorcycles between Yen and longtime nemesis Michael Woods. Plus, Yen vs. John Salvitti using what can only be described as spaz-fu. Khan has a great deal of kicking to do here as well along with some very scary stunt work on, in, and almost under a speeding ambulance (inspiration for Michelle Yeoh’s scene in Supercop?). The extensively doubled Michael Wong even gets into the act. Finally, the marquee match-up is a lengthy, ferocious hand-to-hand battle on top of a building pitting Yen against Woods once more. All the fights are fantastic, tireless Yuen Woo Ping trademark brawls that are expertly executed, but unfortunately when they are performed by near-robots like Yen and Khan, nobody cares.

Reefer’s Rating: 6/10

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Netflix Instant Asian Film Roundup

"Secret Reunion" Korean Theatrical Poster

Over the past year, Netflix has been adding a decently-sized collection of Asian movies to their Instant streaming catalog. Be advised that some of these films may be [dubbed] and that older titles will likely expire over time. Here’s a look at some recent additions:


Crying Fist (2005) – a washed-up boxer throws down with an anxious newcomer in this Korean action/drama from the director of “City of Violence” and starring “Oldboy’s” Choi Min-sik

Secret Reunion (2010) – one of Korea’s top actors, Kang-ho Song (“Thirst”), stars in this thriller about North and South Korean spies

Rough Cut (2008) – when a bad boy actor hires a real gangster to coach him on his latest film, reality spills over into fiction in this Korean thriller

Strange Circus (2006) – a disturbing, incestuous, and mind-bending tale from “Suicide Club” director Sion Sono that makes that film look like a kids movie

Running Turtle (2009) – dynamite actor Kim Yun-seok (“The Thieves, “The Chaser”) stars as a down and out detective in this Korean thriller

Daisy (2006) – Hong Kong director Andrew Lau is behind the camera for this Korean film that combines romance and action

Five Senses of Eros (2009) – this Korean anthology film looks at love, sex, and romance from a variety of angles

Missing (2009) – this Korean horror/thriller was inspired by a real life kidnapping case

My Friend & His Wife (2006) – when his best friend heads to jail, a man finds himself getting dangerously close to his friend’s wife in this Korean thriller

My Girlfriend is an Agent (2009) – three years after a nasty breakup, a superspy is shocked to find that his ex-girlfriend has joined a rival agency in this Korean action-comedy

Goodman Town (2002) – this post-apocalyptic action flick offers a Thai take on a “Mad Max”-like future

Shiver (2003) – veteran Hong Kong actor Francis Ng co-stars in this spooky tale of deadly premonitions and a marriage on the rocks

Lust in Hell (2009) – this Japanese horror flick promises as much bare skin as it does horror. The sequel Lust in Hell 2 (2010) is also available

April Snow (2005) – a man and a woman learn their spouses are having an affair and began a romance of their own in this Korean drama. “In the Mood For Love,” anyone?

The Intimate (2005) – a steamy romance develops between two strangers in this Korean erotic drama

Lala Pipo: A Lot of People (2009) – take an in-depth look at the Tokyo sex trade in this Japanese drama based on a cult novel

For titles that were added at an earlier date, please visit the Netflix Instant Asian Film Archive.

Posted in News |

Perfect Weapon, The (1991) Review

"The Perfect Weapon" Blu-ray Cover

“The Perfect Weapon” Blu-ray Cover

Director: Mark DiSalle
Cast: Jeff Speakman, John Dye, Mako, Mariska Hargitay, Charles Kalani, Jr., Dante Basco, James Hong, Mako Iwamatsu, Seth Sakai, Beau Starr, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Professor Toru Tanaka, Clyde Kusatsu, Seth Sakai, Roger Yuan, James Lew
Running Time: 87 min.

By HKFanatic

Jean-Claude Van Damme and Steven Seagal certainly had the action movie market cornered during the early 90’s, but martial arts fans would be wise not to pass up this B-movie gem starring Jeff Speakman. The well-oiled Kenpo practitioner was granted the spotlight for only one or two theatrical ventures in Hollywood before entering the straight to video realm and his 1991 debut “The Perfect Weapon” remains the standout. While Speakman’s acting leaves something to be desired, the plethora of fight scenes choreographed by veteran stuntman Rick Avery make “The Perfect Weapon” an action buff’s delight.

In the film, Jeff Speakman stars as…Jeff, a down on his luck construction worker who happens to be an expert in the Korean martial art of Kenpo. The first twenty minutes of the movie are taken up by lengthy flashbacks in which we learn Jeff was a rebellious kid who lashed out after the death of his mother. It wasn’t until a friend of the family, played by Mako, suggested a young Jeff enroll in Kenpo school that the boy found an outlet for his anger.

Jump forward many years later and Jeff decides to ring up his old buddy Mako and find out how he’s doing. As luck would have it, Mako picks up the phone at the very moment he’s being hassled by the Korean mob in his downtown antique shop. Jeff springs off his couch and into action, driving down to Los Angeles’ Koreatown where he soon becomes embroiled in a deadly war between various factions of the Korean mafia. It turns out an English-speaking outsider with lightning fast Kenpo skills might just be ‘the perfect weapon’ to end this blood feud.

Director Mark DiSalle (producer/director on Van Damme’s “Kickboxer”) uses this simple set-up as a springboard for a nearly endless succession of well-executed and highly enjoyable fight scenes. “The Perfect Weapon” was clearly designed from the ground up as a showcase for Jeff Speakman and his fighting skills. Considering that the movie is only 88 minutes long, the filmmakers were able to cram an almost staggering number of action sequences into the screenplay, whether it’s Speakman doing a ‘bull in a China shop’ routine as he accidentally smashes up Mako’s antique shop while fighting some hoodlums or the showstopping scene where Speakman faces off against three opponents at once in a Korean-owned gym. Kenpo differs from other forms of martial arts in that the goal appears to be to chain a never-ending stream of punches to your opponent’s face, almost like an old-school arcade game come to life.

Olive Films is the distributor behind “The Perfect Weapon’s” release on Blu-ray. This is one of those films that most martial arts buffs suspected they would never see in hi-def but, lo and behold, the Blu-ray is here and the picture quality is more than adequate. If, like me, you’ve only ever seen the film on VHS before, you’re likely to be taken aback by the level of detail on display here. The visuals are crisp to the point where you can see every line of stubble on Jeff Speakman’s face – though I’m not sure you’d want to.

The disc is bare bones; the menu only allows you to play the movie or select Chapters, with no Special Features to speak of. While it would have been nice to see some new (or old) interviews with Jeff Speakman and fight coordinator Rick Avery, the visual quality on Olive’s release is such an upgrade from previous iterations of the film, with the audio packing a very modern-sounding wallop as well, that it’s hard to complain.

“The Perfect Weapon” may not be a 5-star film but it gives me 5-stars worth of entertainment every time I watch it. While other so-called action stars were performing one spin kick and calling it a ‘fight scene,’ Speakman was busy connecting a flurry of hits to the bad guys, often with his signature Kenpo sticks. The fact that Speakman’s character is actually named ‘Jeff’ here adds a whole other level of enjoyment to the picture, causing the viewer to wonder how much of the film could be culled from Speakman’s life and linking it to other possibly-autobiographical action movies like Steven Seagal’s “Above the Law.” This is also one of the few movies to cast a literal ‘who’s who’ of 80’s and 90’s Asian actors, including Mako (“Conan the Barbarian”); James Hong (“Big Trouble in Little China”); Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (“Mortal Kombat”); Professor Toru Tanaka (Subzero in “The Running Man”); Clyde Kusatsu (“Rising Sun”); and Seth Sakai (“The Hunted”), most of whom will be instantly recognizable to martial arts fans.

Tastes change, genres evolve, stars get older and go direct to DVD. But “The Perfect Weapon” will always kick ass.

HKFanatic’s Rating: 9/10

Posted in Asian Related, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , |

Judgement | DVD (Pathfinder Home Entertainment)

Judgement DVD (Pathfinder Home Entertainment)

Judgement DVD (Pathfinder Home Entertainment)

RELEASE DATE: April 23, 2013

Pathfinder presents the DVD for Masato Tsujioka’s Judgement. An ex-boxer wakes up in chains. In this unfamiliar room, he sees his old boxing partner, Matoba; and his long time rival, Ushijima; both being held captive. A woman’s voice erupts: “Choose which one to kill… or you die.” In the tradition of Saw and Battle Royale comes a new tale of horror.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

Double Feature: Death & Death A New Beginning | DVD (Danger After Dark)

Double Feature: Death & Death A New Beginning DVD (Danger After Dark)

Double Feature: Death & Death A New Beginning DVD (Danger After Dark)

RELEASE DATE: March 12, 2013

Danger After Dark presents the Double Feature DVD for Death & Death A New Beginning. Angry at someone? No worries. Welcome to where you can find a mysteriously masked ally to solve your problem. But there is a catch: for every murder requested, you must commit one and if you don’t follow the plan, you are next! Watch the trailer.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

SS Hell Camp | DVD (Full Moon Pictures)

SS Hell Camp DVD (Full Moon Pictures)

SS Hell Camp DVD (Full Moon Pictures)

RELEASE DATE: May 21, 2013

Full Moon Pictures presents the DVD for 1977’s SS Hell Camp (aka The Beast in Heat), directed by Luigi Batzella. A beautiful female SS officer/doctor creates a genetic, mutant human beast. The beast is a rapacious, squat, mongoloid sex fiend which she uses to torture and molest female prisoners while the Nazis watch. The vertically challenged beast is kept on a diet of mega-aphrodisiacs. Watch the trailer.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Riot in a Woman’s Prison | DVD (Full Moon Pictures)

Riot in a Woman's Prison DVD (Full Moon Pictures)

Riot in a Woman's Prison DVD (Full Moon Pictures)

RELEASE DATE: May 21, 2013

Full Moon Pictures presents the DVD for 1974’s Riot in a Woman’s Prison (aka Erotic Confessions from a Women’s Prison), directed by Brunello Rondi. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, a young French traveler is cruelly imprisoned. Subjected to mental and physical torture from both the cold-hearted nuns who run the place and the hardened female prisoners around her, she struggles to maintain her sanity. Watch the trailer.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Electric Button (Moon & Cherry) DVD (Tidepoint Pictures)

Electric Button (Moon & Cherry) DVD (Tidepoint Pictures)

Electric Button (Moon & Cherry) DVD (Tidepoint Pictures)

RELEASE DATE: April 23, 2013

Tidepoint Pictures presents the DVD for Electric Button (Moon & Cherry). Mayama, the star of her erotica writing club, has a bad case of writer’s block. When Tadokoro joins the group, Mayama learns that he’s a virgin. Mayama decides that introducing him to a variety of sexual indulgences might just be the inspiration she needs. As “”research”” for her book, she documents Tadokoro’s sexual awakening. Mayama doesn’t realize that sometimes the teacher becomes the student.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

Blu-ray and DVD Releases for 2/19/13

My Sassy Girl: Director's Cut DVD (Asian Media Rights)

My Sassy Girl: Director's Cut DVD (Asian Media Rights)

It’s a fun and diverse week of releases, even if there’s not a wealth of Asian films coming out. This is one of those weeks we like to call ‘something for everyone.’ If you’re interested in any of these titles, you can support the site by ordering through our affiliate. We appreciate it!

Here are your Blu-ray and DVD releases for the week of 2/19/13:


My Sassy Girl: The Director’s Cut (DVD) – finally on Region 1 DVD, you can enjoy the 2001 atypical romantic comedy that helped kick off the current Korean cinema boom

Bullet Explosion (DVD) – real life brothers Kazuyoshi Ozawa and Hitoshi Ozawa star as two brothers ascending the ranks of the Yakuza in this 2004 high-octane gangster thriller, on DVD courtesy of Asian Media Rights

Zodiac America: The Super Master (DVD) – notorious cut-and-paste movie master Godfrey Ho returns with this ultra-obscure ninja flick from 1987

We Don’t Care About Music Anyway… (DVD) – in 2009, two French documentary filmmakers took a look at experimental noise musicians living in Tokyo – artists who are driven to rebel against their society’s conformity


Bullet Collector (DVD) – distributor Artsploitation has been making a name for themselves with quality releases of obscure foreign films. Here they offer a 2011 black-and-white Russian film that is described as “400 Blows with a nightmarish twist”

Les Miserables (Blu-ray/DVD) – Olive Films presents the 1958 French-language version of Victor Hugo’s novel, fully restored in HD

Dabangg 2 (DVD) – Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is back with a sequel to his mega-hit action film in which he plays a dirty cop with a heart of gold

Don Giovanni (Blu-ray/DVD) – Olive Films also releases this 1979 Italian-language ‘movie opera’ based on Mozart’s noted masterpiece


Argo (Blu-ray/DVD) – director Ben Affleck’s 2012 drama about the Iran hostage situation has been winning awards around the globe and now it comes to home formats

4 Assassins (DVD) – Will Yun Lee (“The Wolverine”) and Miguel Ferrer (“Twin Peaks”) co-star in this 2012 action/thriller set in Hong Kong

The Package (Blu-ray/DVD) – those two granite slabs of men, Dolph Lundgren and Steve Austin, team up for this 2012 direct-to-video action flick. This time, Lundgren plays the villain

Seeds of Destruction (Blu-ray/DVD) – some prehistoric seeds unleash a powerful root system that causes earthquakes in this 2011 disaster flick from Anchor Bay

Factory (DVD) – poor John Cusack appears to be slumming it in this 2013 direct-to-video serial killer thriller produced by Dark Castle Entertainment

Special Forces (Blu-ray/DVD) – in this direct-to-video actioner, Djimon Hounsou plays a member of the French Special Forces out to rescued a kidnapped reporter in Afghanistan

Sushi Girl (Blu-ray/DVD) – a who’s who of cult movie stars, including “Candyman” Tony Todd and Mark Hamill, star in this 2012 story-centric crime thriller

Atlus Shrugged II: The Strike (Blu-ray/DVD) – the low-budget adaptation of Ayn Rand’s famous novel continues with this 2012 sequel


Top Gun (3D Blu-ray + Blu-ray) – director Tony Scott’s high-flying 1986 fighter jet flick put star Tom Cruise on the map…now in 3D!

The Terminator: Remastered (Blu-ray) – were you left underwhelmed by the picture transfer on the previous Blu-ray release of 1984’s “The Terminator”? Then you’re in luck because the film arrives on a newly remastered disc this week

On the Waterfront (Blu-ray) – the Criterion Collection presents a hi-def release of this 1954 American classic that helped launch the career of actor Marlon Brando

The Insider (Blu-ray) – Michael Mann’s 1999 drama takes a scathing look at the tobacco industry and stars acting heavyweights Russell Crowe and Al Pacino

Innocent Bystanders (Blu-ray/DVD) – Stanley Baker (“Zulu”) does his best James Bond impression in this 1972 spy thriller

The Monster Squad (Blu-ray/DVD) – Olive Films presents a new release and new picture transfer for this 1987 cult classic, co-written by “Lethal Weapon’s” Shane Black. This disc is said to have slightly superior visual quality compared to Lionsgate’s 2009 release

The Running Man (Blu-ray/DVD) – Olive Films must have a niche: releasing slightly improved Blu-ray editions of Lionsgate’s catalog, as they do here with this 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger action vehicle

Highlander 2: The Quickening (Blu-ray/DVD) – this 1991 sequel is either one of the worst movies of all time or an under-appreciated cult flick, depending on your taste. The jury is not out yet as to whether or not this new disc from Olive Films features better picture quality than the Lionsgate 2010 release

The Thief of Baghdad (Blu-ray/DVD) – Douglas Fairbanks stars in this 1924 silent epic, one of the most famous adventure films of all time, now in hi-def


Exploitation Double Feature: Black Cobra Woman/Super Bitch (DVD) – it’s 193 minutes of cult-tastic cinema from Apprehensive Films with “Black Cobra Woman” and Italian exploitation flick “Super Bitch” on one DVD


Sinister (Blu-ray/DVD) – Ethan Hawke stars in what many critics labelled the scariest movie of 2012

Night of the Demons 2 (Blu-ray/DVD) – Olive Films releases this kooky 1994 horror sequel in the cult favorite “Night of the Demons” series

Prison (Blu-ray + DVD combo) – Scream Factory presents this little-seen 1988 horror film directed by Renny Harlin (“Die Hard 2”) and starring Viggo Mortensen

TerrorVision/The Video Dead (Blu-ray + DVD combo) – it’s a Scream Factory Double Feature offering up two 80’s horror cult flicks

The Nest (Blu-ray + DVD combo) – Roger Corman presents this 1988 creature feature about killer roaches, in hi-def courtesy of Shout! Factory

Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (DVD) – an Unrated 2013 sequel to the 90’s horror comedy about a giant, man-eating croc

Interested in any of these movies? If so, we hope that you’ll consider ordering from our affiliate to help support this site. Thank you!

Posted in News |

Ultimate Comic Book 5-Movie Collection Blu-ray & DVD Set (Lionsgate)

Ultimate Comic Book 5-Movie Collection Blu-ray & DVD Set (Lionsgate)

Ultimate Comic Book 5-Movie Collection Blu-ray & DVD Set (Lionsgate)

RELEASE DATE: May 7, 2013

Lionsgate presents the Blu-ray & DVD set for The Ultimate Comic Book 5-Movie Collection. This re-packaged, specially priced, 5-disc set includes: Kick-Ass, The Crow, The Punisher, The Spirit and Conan the Barbarian.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Takashi Miike defends a confessed killer with a ‘Straw Shield’

"Straw Shield" Japanese Theatrical Poster

Remember that scene in The Dark Knight where the Joker tries to convince Gotham’s citizens to kill a Wayne Enterprises employee before he can spill Batman’s secret identity? Well, director Takashi Miike has taken a similar premise and spun it into an entire movie. His next project is a slickly-produced action thriller titled Straw Shield, about a police unit who must protect a confessed killer after the relatives of one of his victims puts a bounty on his head.

You can check out the teaser trailer here!

Look for none other than Tatsuya Fujiwara, of Battle Royale and Death Note fame, in the role of the killer. Fujiwara has been stretching his acting chops as of late with movies such as this and I’m Flash!, possibly in an attempt to break out of his ‘pretty boy’ image.

Straw Shield is based on a novel by author Kazuhiro Kiuchi and arrives in Japanese theaters on April 26th, 2013. Thanks to Far East Films for the story.

Update: The full-length trailer is here but, sorry, no English subtitles yet.

Posted in News |

The latest on David Fincher’s ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’ remake

"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" Japanese Theatrical Poster

"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" Japanese Theatrical Poster

THE MOVIE: David Fincher (Social Network) is remaking 1954’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The film has yet to be green lit, but Disney has placed a 3-month hold on Fincher while they decide to move forward with the project or not. There’s already a script in the can, which is penned by Seven’s scriptwriter, Andrew Kevin Walker.

Richard Fleischer’s 1954 film starred Kirk Douglas, James Mason, Paul Lukas and Peter Lorre. Based on the book by Jules Verne, the plot involves a ship that’s sent to investigate a wave of mysterious sinkings.

Updates: According to Cinema Blend, looks like Brad Pitt may no longer be attached to the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea remake. Instead, G.I. Joe’s Channing Tatum is now being approached by the studio.

Posted in News |

Running Scared | Blu-ray (New Line Cinema)

Running Scared Blu-ray (New Line Cinema)

Running Scared Blu-ray (New Line Cinema)

RELEASE DATE: June 11, 2013

New Line Cinema presents the Blu-ray for 2006’s Running Scared, written and directed by Wayne Kramer (The Cooler). The ultra-stylish Running Scared is quite possibly the darkest, most violent, and highly original action-thriller of the last 10 years. Starring Paul Walker, Chazz Palminteri and Vera Farmiga. Watch the trailer.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Angels Brigade | DVD (101 Distribution ADA)

Angels Brigade aka Seven from Heaven, Angels Revenge DVD (101 Distribution ADA)

Angels Brigade aka Seven from Heaven, Angels Revenge DVD (101 Distribution ADA)

RELEASE DATE: March 26, 2013

101 Distribution ADA presents the DVD for 1979’s Angels Brigade (aka Seven from Heaven or Angels Revenge). When a pop star’s brother gets beaten up by a pusher, she recruits a team of sexy avengers. Their mission: to wipe every drug dealer off the face of the earth. Oh yeah, they’re armed with a van decked out with high-tech weaponry! Starring Sylvia Anderson, Lieu Chinh and Jack Palance. Check out some clips.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

The Suicide Forecast | DVD (Bayview Entertainment)

The Suicide Forecast DVD (Bayview Entertainment)

The Suicide Forecast DVD (Bayview Entertainment)

RELEASE DATE: March 19, 2013

Bayview Entertainment presents the DVD for The Suicide Forecast (aka Suspicious Customers). Byeong-wu (Ryoo Seung-bum of The Unjust) left the world of professional baseball and found success as an insurance salesman. But when one of his clients commits suicide – and questions about advice he provided to the insured – his own life spins out of control. Watch the trailer.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |