The Robotech saga continues as the celebrated characters that gained world-wide popularity in the original series return in an exciting new adventure debuting as part of the Robotech: 2-Movie Collection. Arriving on DVD July 23 from Lionsgate Home Entertainment, under license from A+E Networks Consumer Products™, the Robotech: 2-Movie Collection DVD set includes the never-before-seen feature Love Live Alive as well as the timeless Robotech hit The Shadow Chronicles.
The Robotech chronicle continues with the unveiling of the all-new anime adventure Love Live Alive. Taking place during and after the events of Robotech: The New Generation (available in Robotech: The Complete Series from Lionsgate Home Entertainment), this thrilling installment in the Robotech saga follows the adventures of Lieutenant Lance “Lancer” Belmont as he recounts his journey from before his first encounter with Scott Bernard to the aftermath following Admiral Rick Hunter’s expedition to liberate the Earth from the mysterious Invid race. Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles continues the epic battle as Scott Bernard must once again face his tragic past as he joins the returning Robotech Expedition against new mechanized adversaries known as the Haydonites.
Robotech maintains its place as one of the most popular anime properties ever, the center of a massive media empire that includes comic books, toys and a major motion picture currently in development. Voted one of the “Top 50 Sci-Fi Properties of All Time” by, Robotech remains a fan favorite. Pre-order today!
DVD SPECIAL FEATURES: (subject to change): Love Live Alive, Pre-production Gallery, The Shadow Chronicles, “Birth of a Sequel” featurette, Score Music Video, “Anime Selects” podcast coverage, “!Pon Anime” podcast interview, Robotech 3000 demo reel, Robotech 3000 motion capture sequences, Deleted scenes with optional commentary, Outtakes, Animatics with optional commentary, Trailers and Image Galleries.
BREAKING NEWS: Watch the newly released trailer. received the above press release from Lionsgate and
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