Mapado – The Ultimate Feel Good Lottery Movie

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll notice that there is an increased fascination with everything Asian. Whether it’s music, TV drama or other forms of entertainment, South Korean pop culture in particular has captured the imagination of the Western world and, as a result, we’re seeing more and more Korean movies playing in our theaters. While they are well known for their gripping action movies, the Koreans are also pretty good when it comes to oddball comedy and Mapado is a perfect blend of slapstick, action, and feel good humor, which is bound to provide you with a couple of hours of entertainment when you’re stuck for something to watch.


After a young woman steals their lottery ticket worth around $16m, gangster Jae-choel and bent cop Chung-su find themselves on the remote island of Mapado. What they’re not aware of, however, is the fact that the only inhabitants of the island are five elderly women who haven’t come across a man in over 20 years.

Source: Pexels

Source: Pexels

As you can imagine, the women can’t believe their luck and, as a result, the two men have to negotiate a cattle market-type environment while still trying to track the young woman who’s in possession of their small fortune. As if things couldn’t get any worse for Chung-su and Jae-choel, the boat off the island is a week away and so the situation becomes more about whether they’ll lose their minds rather than whether they’ll find their lottery ticket.

So… is it any good?

As you can probably gauge from the premise, this isn’t your typical rags to riches lottery winning movie. The fact that the island of Mapado is solely inhabited by a group of fairly unfriendly grannies means that you’re never too far away from innuendo and amusing antics. While the concept sounds fairly unbelievable, it pales in comparison to some of the things that have happened to a lucky lottery winner in the past.

According to the real-life gaming site, Lottoland, Nova Scotia resident Peter McCathie has both won the lottery AND been struck by lightning. With the odds of this happening around 1.26 trillion to one, the island of Mapado doesn’t seem all that farfetched after all. Nevertheless, the story does somehow work and the five grumpy women really do become the stars of the show by livening up every single scene they’re in.

Of course, with no real plot to speak of, this kind of movies can become predictable after a while. However, there are a few scenes which make good use of the beautiful scenery and, with thought-provoking lines such as “Everyone has a story to tell” and “This is life”, it’s easy to break out into a pleasant smile and appreciate that you’re watching a feel-good comedy that certainly ticks all the right boxes in terms of entertainment.

You Could Do Much Worse!

While the movie certainly won’t ever win any awards to speak of, it did prove to be a huge success in Korea and sat atop the box-office charts for three consecutive weeks. If you’re looking for a movie which doesn’t require much concentration and yet can make you both laugh and cringe in equal measure, then there’s no doubt that Mapado should be on your watch list. We just sincerely hope that the island of Mapado really is a figment of someone’s imagination and not a real place.

Posted in News |

Solo (1996) Review

"Solo" Theatrical Poster

“Solo” Theatrical Poster

Director: Norberto Barba
Cast: Mario Van Peebles, William Sadler, Adrien Brody, Barry Corbin, Demian Bichir, Jaime Gomez, Seidy Lopez, Abraham Verduzco, Joaquín Garrido
Running Time: 94 min.

By Kyle Warner

Browsing for the new movie to watch in your free time used to be different. I mean, obviously. We’re swamped with choices now, with thousands available to stream at the touch of a button. And it’s awesome, it really is. But I must admit I miss the days of aimlessly browsing the aisles of Blockbuster (RIP), picking up the box of a movie I’ve never heard of before, and making decisions based entirely on cast listings, cool art, and blurbs alone. Our decision to watch/not watch a movie today is often an informed decision based on the streaming website’s average rating for a title, websites dedicated to film reviews, and social media word of mouth. As such, I think we have fewer ‘happy accidents’ when we pick an unknown movie and have it become a new favorite. I bring this up, because I can still remember films that I made mental notes of wanting to see one day based on Blockbuster browsing, but upon remembering those films in the internet age I realize that I might’ve dodged a bullet by picking a different movie on that particular Blockbuster visit. 1996’s Solo is one such movie, a sci-fi action flick starring Mario Van Peebles as a cyborg soldier being hunted in the jungle.

The art is simple but effective; tough guy holding a pistol just so with foliage over one half his face and techno chip art over the other. The tagline: “Part Man, Part Machine, Total Weapon.” Dude. That’s like, purpose-made for a young American male. Of course, being older now, I’m pickier about what qualifies as entertainment, so the numerous negative Solo reviews have put it on the backburner for a while. However, I was reminded of it again with the upcoming (unrelated!) Star Wars film Solo coming soon to theatres, so I decided to bite the bullet and hit play (I watched it via on-demand streaming, of all things. It all comes circling back around).

Solo, the character at the center of the film, is combination of man and machine. Solo the movie is also a combination of sorts. There is a lot of Terminator and Predator in this movie. (Solo also resembles Universal Soldier. However, Solo is based on a 1989 novel titled Weapon, which came out before Universal Soldier hit theatres in 92, so comparing it to the JCVD/Lundgren film may be unfair.) This is one incredibly unoriginal film. Thing is, a copycat can still be entertaining. And Solo starts off decent enough.

Mario Van Peebles (New Jack City) plays Solo as a detached, logic driven ultimate soldier. He is presented to US military leaders as the perfect weapon and a disposable killing machine. Solo is sent on mission to topple a warlord (Demian Bichir, Machete Kills) who threatens a South American government friendly to the US. Solo is prepping bombs around the warlord’s camp, marking enemy soldiers with advanced tech that reminds us both of Predator and of videogames of today. It’s when he begins mark civilians that Solo has a crisis of conscience and pulls the plug on the operation, believing it goes against his mission protocol. William Sadler (Die Hard 2) — playing one of the cheesiest military villains of all time — orders the bombs to explode anyway, despite the risk to civilians and Solo. With the mission a wash, Solo is recalled and his creator (Adrien Brody, Dragon Blade) is commanded to explain why the cyborg didn’t follow orders. What Solo saw as a contradiction of mission protocol the military sees as proof that the machine is developing a conscience. He is to be wiped and reprogrammed. When Solo catches wind of this, he sees it as a threat, and steals a helicopter to escape from his military masters.

That’s a strong start. It’s nothing especially new, but the action and the implications of where it could go next are promising enough. From there, however, things start to bog down. Solo crashes his helicopter in the jungle, where he is recovered by the very civilians he failed his mission to save. Solo, close to the end of his battery life, becomes a hero for the oppressed people as the warlord threatens their village once again. Meanwhile, William Sadler’s crazy colonel is still hunting Solo, and is willing to disobey orders to bring the machine in alive. That sounds like an entertaining set up for a movie. At the very least, you wouldn’t expect it to be boring. And yet, Solo finds a way. At the half-way point, the movie becomes a complete bore. He helps the underdogs fight back against warlords in a battle reminiscent of the Ewoks attacking the Empire, complete with logs on ropes. It should not be boring. But it is.

Imagine Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Data in his own action movie and then take away all the heart, humor, and deep questions and you have a pretty good idea of what kind of movie Solo is. It repeats all the ‘what is laughter?’ ‘why do humans lie?’ ‘why would you put yourself in harm’s way for another person?’ horseshit that we’ve seen done better a hundred times before in other sci-fi. Solo seems like a story made for asking the question about a disposable fighting force but it never goes there. There would seem to be some interest in talking about how American conflicts impact Native peoples in underdeveloped regions, but that’s probably just me looking for purpose. Truth is, I don’t think Solo has anything going on in that artificial brain. It’s a cheesy action movie made with borrowed parts and is probably best enjoyed drunk and with friends willing to laugh at all the bad dialogue.

The movie makes some attempts to humanize Solo by making him interested in spiders and insects. He admires their design. He hangs out with tarantulas and puts drawings of bugs all over his room. But this interest must’ve been a passing phase because it goes away around the second act. It’s just another example of how undercooked the movie is.

However, the insect stuff does at least give us one weird line of dialogue as William Sadler remarks, “’Welcome to the jungle,’ said the spider to the fly.” I laughed. Actually, there’s a lot of unintentionally funny dialogue (“Droids don’t bluff!” shouted with complete seriousness is another winner) but I was too bored to get much joy out of it. One peculiar line has the cyborg creator played by Adrien Brody complaining, “I should’ve stayed in college,” which only begs the question, how or why is a billion-dollar Pentagon science experiment being operated by a college dropout? (In all fairness, there is one line which I did like. Solo is explaining that his brain resides in his chest. He is asked, “What about your heart?” He says he doesn’t have one. Only living things have a heart. To which the other person points out that he is a living thing. And Solo simply remarks, “No. I exist.” I mean, it’s not like, whoa. But it’s not bad.)

I wish I could say something good about the action sequences, but it would go against my programming. Though Mario Van Peebles makes for a capable hero lead, the action editing is scattershot. Solo drops upside down from a tree branch to crack a guy’s neck, then we cut and he’s throwing a tree, and then cut to bullets flying his way as he runs. One amazing moment has the dude doing some Olympic gymnastics to avoid getting hit by explosive rounds.

Only Mario Van Peebles and Adrien Brody get away from the movie not embarrassing themselves (I felt bad for Sadler). Mario Van Peebles shows that maybe he should’ve been given more opportunities as an action hero leading man with better material. And though Brody’s character is not well written either, the young actor does show a good bit of range in this early role.

Solo is, sad to say, best left remembered as the movie you put back on the Blockbuster shelf when you decided to rent The Terminator for the fifth time instead. It’s too silly, cheap, and dull to stand on its own next to similar (and better) movies.

Kyle Warner’s Rating: 3/10

Posted in All, News, Other Movies, Reviews |

An Accident Waiting to Happen: COF Speaks to Scott Adkins

Scott Adkins interview accident manScott Adkins is a name that likely needs no introduction to fans of action cinema. After getting his start in Hong Kong featuring alongside the likes of Jackie Chan and Stephen Tung Wai, Adkins really found his footing once he collaborated with director Isaac Florentine on Special Forces in 2003. It was a partnership which led to him taking on the iconic character of Uri Boyka, in the 2006 unrelated sequel Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing, a character which for many of his fans has become inseparable from the man himself. While those same fans are constantly clamoring for more Boyka action (and got some, in both 2010 and 2016), the British star has always harbored a desire to bring one of his favorite comic books, Accident Man, to the screen, and in 2018 he fulfils his wish, headlining Jesse V. Johnson’s movie of the same name.

In January we had the chance to briefly catch up with Adkins over the phone to discuss his latest project. While these press junkets are always frustratingly short, Adkins was as amiable as ever, and provided plenty of insight into both his own career and tales from the set of Accident Man. Next time we’ll hopefully be able to offer up a full-length interview, but for now, enjoy our chat below –

"Accident Man" Blu-ray Cover

“Accident Man” Blu-ray Cover

Paul Bramhall: Hi Scott, first of all thanks for taking the time out to chat with COF, are you still in China at the moment?

Scott Adkins: Hi Paul, well let me thank you for your review of Accident Man as well, it’s great to see that you enjoyed it. Yes, I’m still in China and currently working on a new movie called Twilight Zodiac with Ernie Barbarash and Andy On, which should be a good one. I’m actually carrying a few injuries at the moment, but am working through them and looking forward to seeing what we can put together.

PB: An aspect of your career trajectory which has always interested me is that, if we look at many other ‘gweilo’ stars that started off in Hong Kong, such as Cynthia Rothrock and Loren Avendon, once they returned to western shores their output never really matched what they did in Asia. For yourself though, it’s been the opposite, with your work in the likes of the Undisputed and Ninja series far surpassing the roles you took in movies like The Accidental Spy, Extreme Challenge, and Black Mask 2. What are your own thoughts around this?

Scott Adkins with Yuen Woo Ping and Andy On in Black Mask 2: City of Masks.

Scott Adkins with Yuen Woo Ping and Andy On in Black Mask 2: City of Masks.

SA: It’s an interesting point you make, and to a degree I think timing plays a part in it, but for myself personally I’d say it comes down to me being a student of the craft. My time working in Hong Kong offered many opportunities to learn from the best, working alongside Stephen Tung Wai, Jackie Chan, and Yuen Wo Ping, so I’d always be studying how they would create the choreography and film it, what made it work. I brought that back when I left Hong Kong, and have always looked to incorporate those learnings into whatever movie I’m working on, alongside the action choreographer.

The difference from the 80’s is that the level of choreography on show in the US was nowhere near that of what was going on in Hong Kong, which was the home of top level action cinema, and to a large degree still is, so even if you had the moves, there wouldn’t be choreographers on the same level to utilize them. I feel that now America has really caught up, sure, the Bourne movies put fight action several steps back with the dreaded shaky cam, but if we look at action cinema now, there are choreographers working who are on the same level as what’s going on in Hong Kong.

Adkins with director Jesse V. Johnson.

Adkins with director Jesse V. Johnson.

PB: One of the earliest roles you took after leaving Hong Kong was as Nathan in the 2005 movie Pit Fighter, which was directed by Jesse V. Johnson. Now over 10 years later you’ve reunited and are working on a number of movies together – Savage Dog, Accident Man, Triple Threat, and The Debt Collector – what led to you working together again after all these years?

SA: Well myself and Jesse have been trying to work together again for a long time, but he kind of went his direction and did his own thing and I did mine in the intervening years. It was Savage Dog that brought us back together, which came out last year, and while a few things didn’t go according to plan during that production, they weren’t Jesse’s fault and it felt good to work together again. When the opportunity came to make Accident Man, I really wanted it to be a British director so they’d understand the look and feel I wanted to go for, and Jesse, even though he’s living in America now, was the perfect fit.

"The Pay Up" Teaser Poster

“The Debt Collector” Teaser Poster (aka “The Pay Up”)

So now we’re working on a few movies together, next up will be The Debt Collector and Triple Threat. The script for The Debt Collector has been knocking around since 2001, which Jesse wrote himself, so now felt like the right time to make it, and we’ve developed a good working relationship.

PB: Let’s talk about your new movie Accident Man. One of my favorite scenes has you delivering a flying kick to the rider of a motorbike. I remember a similar scene Donnie Yen performs in In the Line of Duty 4, and in the making of it was revealed that the rider was assisted to be pulled off the bike by a wire. In your scene it looks like it’s all you, was it a difficult stunt to perform?

SA: Oh yeah! And that’s interesting about the Donnie Yen movie, I know the scene you’re referring to and I wasn’t aware that the rider was pulled off with a wire, but it makes sense since Yen’s kick approached the bike side on. In Accident Man, I was thinking of the scene with Jackie Chan from Wheels on Meals when he faces off against Blackie Ko and his motorbike gang in the square, and does a similar move.

This was the last scene we filmed, when we’d wrapped up the fight with Tim Man. Being a producer I had more freedom on this movie, so I said “I really want to kick someone off a motorbike”, I just really wanted to do it, and a lot of the crew were wondering how we could make it happen. Thankfully we found a stuntman who could do it, and I hope he forgives me as it was a very busy shoot, but right now his name escapes me, he was a top-class stuntman. These guys don’t get anywhere near enough recognition as they should, and I mean, come on Oscars, when are the stuntmen finally going to get a category which recognizes their talents?

So anyway, we brought the bike in, and everyone was surprised, myself included, at how high the handlebars were. I mean, they were really high! So I had the crew trying to put the fear in me and asking if I could really do it, but it was the very last day of the shoot, so if there was any day to get injured, I guess this would be the best one. I measured it up, and came to the conclusion that yeah, I was confident I could jump the handlebars and wouldn’t find myself mauled in the spokes or something, so we went ahead with it and were able to get it in one take.

"Accident Man" Theatrical Poster

“Accident Man” Theatrical Poster

PB: Good to hear it went off without a hitch, and in terms of the fight scenes, particularly the finale with Amy Johnston, how long did they take on average to film?

SA: Ohhh, I need to remember now, but that took between 2 to 3 days to complete in total. The original fight sequence that we had planned out lasted longer than what we were able to film, but we just couldn’t cover everything we’d choreographed in the time that we had. This is why I always take these opportunities to ask the fans to please not pirate my movies, you know I’d also like to make a sequel to Accident Man just as much as hopefully everyone else will once they check it out, however to do so the movie needs to turn a profit, it’s as simple as that.

Working on the types of movie that I do, you know, I’d love for them to be shown on the cinema, but that’s not where I’m at and that’s the way it is. So the movies go straight to Blu-ray, and if people choose to pirate them instead of buying or renting, then ask when are they going to see more of me in action, it’s not going to happen. If you want to support the independent action movie industry, please do the right thing and pay to see the movies, otherwise they’ll no longer be made, or they’ll be made in a ridiculously tight timeframe.

The Complete Accident Man Cover

The Complete Accident Man Book Cover.

PB: Definitely, and speaking on the business side of things, this was the first time for you to play the role of producer. Did you find it made a difference to the filming experience?

SA: Absolutely, being one of the producers on Accident Man I was lucky in that I could have my say in the sequence we shot the movie. So shoot a fight scene over a couple of days, then a few days dialogue or scenes with other characters, and then shoot another fight scene a few days later. You know on some of these movies, you have 4 weeks to film, and they schedule all the action to be shot over a solid 2 week block. So you have 2 weeks of fighting and 2 weeks of talking, and then they wonder why we get injured or exhausted, I mean come on. That’s why I like to work with directors who understand how to make an action movie.

PB: Great to hear, and with that I can see we’re out of time, so let me wish you well for the rest of your shoot on Twilight Zodiac, and hope there’ll be another chance to catch up in the future.

SA: Thanks Paul, it was a pleasure, and look forward to the next time we have a chance to speak.

Accident Man is now available on Blu-ray and DVD from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

Posted in Interviews, News |

Black Panther, by Ryan Coogler, is a milestone movie event

"Black Panther" Theatrical Poster

“Black Panther” Theatrical Poster

Black Panther (2018) Review
Director: Ryan Cooler
Producer: Kevin Feige,
Cast: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Sterling K. Brown
Running Time 135 minutes

By JJ Bona

I am not a fan of superhero movies particularly, even Marvel films, but Black Panther doesn’t feel like either one. It is a daring undertaking that provides a fresh take on the superhero origin story, a narrative that has been done to death.

King T’Challa of Wakanda is played by Chadwick Boseman. His country is a fictional nation in Africa which is housing untold amounts of sci-fi tech, and the King needs to step up and take on the weighty responsibility demanded by his birthright after his father is assassinated.

Rather than constructing a new identity and experimenting with his newfound power, T’Challa’s task is becoming a better ruler than his father was, and changing the direction of Wakanda. This country takes isolationism to an entirely new level, keeping its magical technology and precious metals closely guarded as its borders keep all foreigners out.

The residents of Wakanda would no doubt not even be able to enjoy the kind of fun and relaxation online betting NZ allows, as it is linked to the world outside its borders!

Michael B. Jordan shines particularly in Black Panther’s villain role, and Killmonger, his character must be the greatest bad guy Marvel ever thought up. He is criminally underused, however. Jordan’s magnetism is evident from the moment he first appears, and we understand his anger. He is such a good villain that he steals all the scenes he’s in, and calls attention to how basically boring King T’Challa actually is.

Black Panther is akin to Captain America in that he is as straight as an arrow, and almost unbelievably righteous. He does, however, get humanised by the relationship he shares with his younger sister, Shuri, played wonderfully by Letitia Wright. Their sibling squabbles make the pair very relatable, and this brings the mighty king a little closer to earth. Shuri’s character is very strong and spirited, too, and she is as unforgettable as Killmonger.

Killmonger has the perfect name, and is very, very good at killing. Wakanda unfortunately picks their leaders based on combative talent, and, interestingly, this is why Killmonger makes for such a fascinating character. His challenge to T’Challa isn’t just a physical one, but extends into the realm of philosophy.

Killmonger’s attack on Wakanda highlights that country’s biggest flaws, and strips the illusion of a shiny tech Utopia away at once. The fact that Wakanda is so weak in so many ways is what makes it so real, as well -the striking costume design and breathtaking world-building do the rest. I particularly enjoyed the rituals outlined in the film, along with the very real sense of history related to the Black Panther role. This is a primeval, vital tradition, not a decision that the world needs protecting made on a whim, as is generally the case in superhero stories.

The themes of military intervention, isolationism, and the perils of advanced tech are rather sophisticated for a superhero film, and very appropriate in the here and now we are facing, but never get too heavy. Black Panther is a finely balanced blend of enjoyable adventure and insightful political commentary.

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Gavin O’Connor has created a layered fight film in ‘Warrior’

"Warrior" Theatrical Poster

“Warrior” Theatrical Poster

Warrior (2011) Review
Director: Gavin O’Connor
Producers: Gavin and Greg O’Connor
Cast: Joel Edgerton, Tom Hardy, Nick Nolte, Jennifer Morrison, Frank Grillo, Kevin Dunn, Maximiliano Hernandez, Vanessa Martinez, Kurt Angle
Running Time: 140 minutes

By JJ Bona

Warrior is a fight movie that arrives with flawless logic at a climax which involves not one but three main bouts, and the coincidence that provides not one protagonist but two is forgiven. The screenplay makes use of these devices to merge the structure of a rags-to-riches sparring story similar to Rocky with the intense, sometimes sordid drama of a problematic family.

For the first hour there are scenes which establish two brothers separately, Brendan and Tommy Conlon, played by Joel Edgerton and Tom Hardy respectively. Brendan teaches science at a high school, and is married with children. Tommy is a Marine back from serving in the Middle East. They were boxers or wrestlers at high school, trained by their dad, Paddy, Nick Nolte. Now, various circumstances have brought them both independently to the same conclusion. They need to fight to make money.

The online betting NZ has to offer is not an option for them!

Once this premise has been established, it is 100% sure that Brendan is going to meet Tommy in the ring for the championship fight. This accounts for the three final rounds, because each will have to advance through a semifinal.

What I found intriguing about this movie was that there isn’t a favourite. The audience understands and enjoys both of the characters, and so does the film itself. Gavin O’Connor, director and co-writer for the movie, arrives at the stand-off foreshadowed at the film’s start fair and square. Both of the fighters have motives, they have been estranged for a long time after an unhappy childhood incident, and, in many ways, the brothers loathe each other.

When their mom left their alcoholic dad, Tommy went with her to California, where she finally died. Brendan stayed with his father. When we meet Paddy, he is coming up to 1000 days of sobriety and embodies, in only the way Nolte can, the shaggy heroism of a man who is giving getting himself together one more shot.

Tommy has always blamed his dad for abandoning his mom, but things are more complicated than that. Now Tommy returns from the war, with a secret, and asks his dad to train him for the upcoming MMA championship, and neither father nor son knows Brendan is signing up as well. Brendan is facing foreclosure on his house, and winning the purse at a low-level amateur fight has worsened things by getting him fired from his job.

There are subplots to the movie, all enjoyable, and these include Paddy’s, Brendan’s wife’s, played by Jennifer Morrison, and his trainer’s, in a role played by Frank Grillo, and these are intercut with the action scenes. O’Connor may not be shy about exploiting the action, but he makes full use of the force of the characters of the film in order to render that action meaningful.

I liked the movie for a number of reasons, the main one being that, by the end of it, I didn’t want to see either fighter lose. This reaction brings an incredible complexity to the last showdown and I thought nothing could top it -but I was wrong. Highly recommended watching and a film that should get a good review from everyone.

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The classic film of Jake LaMotta’s self-destructive spiral

"Raging Bull" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“Raging Bull” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Raging Bull (1980) Review
Director: Martin Scorsese
Producers: Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler
Cast: Robert de Niro, Martin Scorsese, Joe Pesci, Cathy Moriarty, Frank Vincent, Theresa Saldana, Nicholas Colasanto, Charles Scorsese, Frank Adonis
Running Time: 129 minutes

By JJ Bona

There can be no questions or even any real discussion regarding how good a movie Raging Bull is -and it is everything you have heard it to be, and more. The contrast of documentary-drab with dreamy black and white shots framed to perfection make for classic Scorsese. The genius dimensions of character, grim and bleak to the bitter end, reducing us to a wreckage, shocked by the sheer depravity that the human spirit is capable of, is all the De Niro we know. And the chocolate velvet of Jake LaMotta’s blood, draining away like so much rainwater, is the story of a boxer we have been waiting for.

Raging Bull is about so much more than boxing! For all the words that have been written on the extraordinary recreation of LaMotta’s most famous fights, which give the movie its rhythm and beat, it is plain to see that Scorsese has no interest in prowess or strategy. In the same way that the horse racing tips NZ has to offer cannot begin to give you the thrills and spills the sport itself does, Raging Bull has a lot more to offer than just an evocation of a great boxer. Pugilism was rendered merely contextual. What brought Scorsese to this movie was the heart of darkness it explores.

The much-lauded Method acting De Niro is so famous for is very much in evidence in Raging Bull. The actor actually entered real fights in order to brush up on his boxing skills, and it took two months for him to swell up, with the Italian actor managing to do so thanks to piles of pasta and mountains of ice-cream. It is in the character’s quietest moments that De Niro’s performance reveals its mastery, allowing us to watch as the threads of self-control loosen to allow for the unavoidable rupture we dread as much as LaMotta actively seeks it.

Raging Bull was a film made during a time when the undiluted block of commercialism was thrusting aside the wide-eyed opportunism of American 1970s cinema. Scorsese witnessed the strain mounting up around him, and this goes a long way towards explaining the unusual tension between spectacle and authenticity, and art and pleasure evident in Raging Bull. As LaMotta pitifully intones in to the sordid reflection of his own face as the film limps to its inevitable ending, So gimme a stage where this bull here can rage. And though I can fight, I’d much rather recite – that’s entertainment.

Raging Bull is entertainment, to be sure, but it is also an exploration of the human condition, and, in my opinion, remains one of the finest films to ever be made. No serious movie fan can rightfully call themselves one without having given this movie at least one screening -preferably more.

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Deal on Fire! Legend of the Black Scorpion | Blu-ray | Only $7 – Expires soon!

"Legend of the Black Scorpion" Blu-ray Cover

“Legend of the Black Scorpion” Blu-ray Cover

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Legend of the Black Scorpion (aka The Banquet), directed by Feng Xiaogang (Aftershock).

Hailed as a cross between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Tarantino’s Kill Bill, scheming royals and other officials attempt to consolidate power in a empire in chaos.

Legend of the Black Scorpion (read our review) stars Zhang Ziyi (Hero), Ge You (Let the Bullets Fly), Daniel Wu (Sky on Fire) and Zhou Xun (Painted Skin: The Resurrection). It also features fight choreography by Yuen Woo Ping (Dance of the Drunken Mantis).

Order Legend of the Black Scorpion from today! 

Posted in Deals on Fire!, News |

Kickboxers retaliate in the Trailer for Johnson Lu’s ‘Blood Fist’

"Blood Fist" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Blood Fist” Chinese Theatrical Poster

When kickboxing legend Don “The Dragon” Wilson hinted a Bloodfist reboot last month, we didn’t realize we’d get one this quick! Okay, we’re kidding, but like the 1989 Wilson flick, there is some ‘kickboxing’ in this film.

This Blood Fist (note: Two words, not one) is directed by Johnson Lu Zhe-Hao (Let Go of the Girl) and stars Kenny Kwan Chi-Bun (As the Lights Goes Out), Li Mao (The Fatal Mission), Pavarit Mongkolpisit (Operation Mekong), Rachel Liu (Tomb Guardians) and Jason Chung Yat-Hin (Gods Must Be Juicy).

We’re not sure what to make of the film’s plot, but judging from the Trailer below, it takes place in Thailand, involves a martial arts tournament and people are doing bad things. Enjoy!

Posted in News |

A Crouching Tiger, Hidden ‘Cloverfield’ treat from Netflix

"The Cloverfield Paradox" Poster

“The Cloverfield Paradox” Poster

You gotta love Netflix. The streaming company made a surprise announcement during Super Bowl LII on February 4th, 2018 that The Cloverfield Paradox (aka Cloverfield 3) would be available on Netflix, immediately after the game.

Official Plot: In the near future, a group of international astronauts on a space station are working to solve a massive energy crisis on Earth. The experimental technology aboard the station has an unexpected result, leaving the team isolated and fighting for their survival.

The Cloverfield Paradox stars David Oyelowo (A Most Violent Year), Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Beyond the Lights), Zhang Ziyi (The GrandmasterCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Elizabeth Debicki (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2), Daniel Brühl (Rush), and Chris O’Dowd (Bridesmaids).

The Cloverfield Paradox is produced by J. J. Abrams (Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane) and directed by acclaimed independent/festival filmmaker Julius Onah. Watch the film’s Trailer below:

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RV: Resurrected Victims (2017) Review

"RV: Resurrected Victims" Theatrical Poster

“RV: Resurrected Victims” Theatrical Poster

Director: Kwak Kyung-Taek
Cast: Kim Rae-Won, Kim Hae-Sook, Sung Dong-Il, Jeon Hye-Jin, Jang Young-Nam, Baek Bong-Ki, Oh Dae-Hwan, Kim Min-Jun, Lee Joon-Hyuk, Lee Ji-Won, Ha-Min 
Running Time: 91 min.

By Paul Bramhall

It’s rare that a movie throws me off-guard before the opening credits have even started, but RV: Resurrected Victims did exactly that. The source of my raised eyebrows came in the form of the production company backing it. Having seen hundreds of Korean movies, there’s a kind of unconscious familiarity with the various logos that pop up onscreen before the opening credits, so when the logo for Story is God graced the screen, something about it stuck out. A few taps later confirmed my instincts – RV: Resurrected Victims was made by a Christian production outfit.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, if we live in a world were Nicolas Cage can star in a Vic Armstrong directed Christian flick (Left Behind), then I guess Kim Rae-won can star in director Kwak Gyeong-taek’s latest as well. My apprehension really came from the perspective of, there’s usually a significant difference between a movie which features Christianity as a theme (Jang Jae-hyon’s The Priests), to a movie which is made by Christians (Yoo Young-jin’s Boss). With that being said though, I’m a guy with an open mind, so I cast my apprehension aside and looked forward to checking out Gyeong-taek’s latest.

As a director Gyeong-taek’s filmography makes for interesting viewing. When your debut becomes one of the classics of the Korean new-wave, with his 2001 semi-autobiographical tale Friend, it understandably makes for a hard act to follow. Indeed in the preceding years his output has failed to recapture the magic that seemed so effortless in Friend, with action misfires like Typhoon, unremarkable thrillers like An Eye for an Eye, and pedestrian procedurals like The Classified File. His frequent attempts to fall back on the success of Friend, first with the TV spin-off series Friend, Our Story in 2009, and then with a direct sequel in 2013 with Friend 2, were also largely considered to miss the mark.

Despite his patchy track record, he remains a busy director, and for RV: Resurrected Victims has Kim Rae-won to headline proceedings, last seen on the big screen in The Prison. Rae-won plays a prosecutor whose mother (played by Park Chan-wook regular Kim Hae-sook) was murdered 7 years ago. Even though the murderer was convicted, Rae-won has always felt it was the wrong guy, and his suspicions are confirmed when, well, when his mother turns up in his living room watching TV. As you’ve likely guessed, she returns as a Resurrected Victim, a global phenomena that doesn’t seem to be generating as much surprise as it should. It’s explained that these RV’s (as they’re referred to) are always murder victims in which the murderer, for whatever reason, managed to escape punishment. So they return, kill (re: murder) the murderer, and then go up in smoke like a vampire.

It’s fair to say that RV: Resurrected Victims comes with an alarming amount of plot holes, and the RV’s themselves are never competently explained. When the intelligence agency is giving a debrief of the phenomena, they show a video of 5 female victims that returned in Macau, all murdered by the same serial killer. The footage shows them tearing apart the killer by apparently eating him alive like an outtake from Dawn of the Dead, however no other RV ever acts like this. In another clip, a young American girl amusingly announces “I came back to make justice. There’ll be more people like me, coming back for the same reason.” However much like the time travel plot device in The Phone, here the concept of murder victims returning to life is basically just a novelty, one used to frame a fairly standard tale of an unpunished death.

To go into every major plot hole would unfortunately involve also giving away several spoilers, not to mention take up the remainder of the review, however the crux of the plot comes down to when Hae-sook sees Rae-won for the first time after her return, she apparently tries to kill him. With the RV behaviour established that they only return to exact divine retribution (re: brutally murder) the one responsible for their own death, suspicions are raised as to why she targets her own son. When it’s revealed he’s the sole inheritor of her life insurance policy, soon an investigator played by Jeon Hye-jin gets on his case, to find out exactly what happened 7 years ago.

For a Korean movie, RV: Resurrected Victims comes with a remarkably short runtime of 85 minutes. However despite this, it feels considerably longer, as Gyeong-taek’s direction is so terminally dull and lifeless that minutes feel like they’re stretched into hours. It was only 30 minutes in when I began to impatiently look at my watch, and the realization that there was still almost an hour to go didn’t exactly fill me with happiness. Not helping matters is that almost everyone involved looks chronically bored. Hae-sook in particular looks embarrassed to be there, and rightly so, while Rae-won looks like he’s slumming it, likely wondering how he could go from starring in a production like Gangnam Blues to something like this.

Then of course, let’s get it out of the way, there’s the Christian element. From the moment Hae-sook’s church group visit her once she returns, excitedly asking if she met Jesus or what heaven was like, you know subtlety is not going to be an option. As the plot progresses crucifixes start frequently appearing in shots, with just enough regularity to make even the most tolerable viewer audibly groan “We get it.” It should be no spoiler to say that, considering how much time the script spends hitting us over the head with the fact RV’s come back to exact their vengeance, the closing scenes of RV: Resurrected Victims present us with an entirely predictable message about forgiveness.

The story itself is based on a novel by Park Ha-ik called It is Over. While I’m not familiar with the source material, one would hope it more clearly defines the logic and narrative around the RV’s better than Geyong-taek adapts for the screen. Perhaps it was due to budgetary constraints that so many important details are glazed over (ultimately the question of why Hae-sook has returned in the first place is never clearly addressed), however RV: Resurrected Victims builds up so many unresolved plot threads it ends up hanging itself with them. This is Gyeong-taek’s first (and hopefully last) foray into the supernatural genre, and it at times feels like we’re watching an extended version of The X-Files, complete with special effects that hark back to late 90’s fare like Blade and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

By the time RV: Resurrected Victims decides to puts its cards on the table, viewers will likely be so numb it’ll be easy to miss that Gyeong-taek has lifted wholesale from Bong Joon-ho’s vastly superior Mother, delivering a twist telegraphed far too early to remain interesting. This is perhaps the biggest issue with Gyeong-taek’s latest, in that it seems to have a belief that it’s interesting, but once you figure out the angle the story is coming from, its direction (including the turns along the way) becomes painfully obvious.

There’s an inescapable feeling throughout RV: Resurrected Victims that everyone involved should be in a far better movie than what it actually is. Constantly dull, endlessly predictable, and frequently nonsensical, the finished product is a mercifully short but uninspired and monotonous mess. In the closing line, we’re told how important it is to realize our own sins and ask to pay the price for them. For Gyeong-taek, hopefully that realization starts with just how much of a misguided effort RV: Resurrected Victims is, and hope he doesn’t repeat it.

Paul Bramhall’s Rating: 2/10

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Bruce’s Deadly Fingers | Blu-ray & DVD (VCI Entertainment)

Bruce's Deadly Fingers | Blu-ray & DVD (VCI Entertainment)

Bruce’s Deadly Fingers | Blu-ray & DVD (VCI Entertainment)

RELEASE DATE: March 27, 2018

On March 27, 2018, VCI will be releasing the Blu-ray & DVD for Bruce’s Deadly Fingers – aka Bruce’s Fingers – starring Bruceplpoitation star Bruce Le (aka Huang Kin Long).

For the first time, the film will be released in widescreen High Definition and produced from a new 2K scan from the 35mm original negative.

In this 1976 classic, a kung fu master (Heung Kim Lung) returns to Hong Kong on a single minded quest to discover the truth of his late mentor (Bruce Lee), who passed away under super-extraordinary conditions.

Bruce’s Deadly Fingers also stars Chan Wai Man (City Ninja), Lo Lieh (Black Spot), Nora Miao (The Devil’s Treasure), Cheung Lik (Golden Dragon, Silver Snake), Bolo Yeung (Diamond Cartel) and Kong Do (The Chinese Stuntman).

Blu-ray/DVD Bonus Features:

  • Photo and poster gallery of Bruce’s Deadly Fingers
  • Bruceploitation films’ Theatrical Trailers in HD
  • Commentary track by Michael Worth – author, director, actor, and expert on Bruce Lee, and Bruceploitation films
  • Video interviews with some of the players

Pre-order Bruce’s Deadly Fingers from today!

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

Deal on Fire! 36th Chamber of Shaolin | Blu-ray | Only $7.53 – Expires soon!

36th Chamber of Shaolin Blu-ray (Dragon Dynasty)

36th Chamber of Shaolin Blu-ray (Dragon Dynasty)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for the 1978 Shaw Brothers classic 36th Chamber of Shaolin (aka The Master Killer), directed by Liu Chia-Liang (Executioners from Shaolin) and starring Gordon Liu (Eight Diagram Pole Fighter).

Considered one of the greatest kung fu films of all time, 36th Chamber of Shaolin (read our review) is about a young man (Liu) who learns Shaolin kung fu so he can avenge his family and friends, who were killed by Manchu henchmen.

The film also stars Lo Lieh (Black Spot), Lau Kar Wing (Dirty Kung Fu) and Wilson Tong (Martial Club).

Order 36th Chamber of Shaolin from today!

Posted in Deals on Fire!, News |

Path of Blood | Blu-ray (Synapse Films)

Path of Blood | DVD (Synapse Films)

Path of Blood | DVD (Synapse Films)

RELEASE DATE: March 13, 2018

On March 13, 2018, Synapse Films is releasing the Blu-ray to Path of Blood, an Animated Love Letter to the Gory Japanese Samurai Films.

Japan, 1614. War is over. Samurai displaced through defeat or reform wander the countryside as Ronin, seeking work where they can find it. At the edge of a forgotten village lies a path leading deep into the mountains. It is rumored the brave few who make it down the path will be rewarded with a life of freedom and purpose. However, none who have entered the path have returned. When a lone samurai sets his course towards the Path of Blood, unknown danger and terror awaits. Will his great swordsmanship be enough to survive?

Path of Blood is the first animated film by Eric Power, featuring the voices of Kenji Kiuchi, Yoshi Okai and Shinya Wakao. Shot frame-by-frame in traditional paper stop motion (like the pilot episode of South Park), the film boasts a unique visual style paired with a visceral tale of samurai, bandits, and deadly ninja. Many years in the making, this film is a love letter to the Japanese samurai genre, as well as a tribute to the ultra-violence of the Lone Wolf and Cub series.

Special Features: 

  • Making of Path of Blood Featurette
  • Path of Blood – The Original Short Film
  • Original Promotional Trailer
  • “Video Game” Inspired Trailer
  • Image Gallery

Pre-order Path of Blood from today! 

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

Wings of Eagles (2016) Review

"Wings of Eagles" Theatrical Poster

“Wings of Eagles” Theatrical Poster

AKA: The Last Race
Director: Stephen Shin, Michael Parker
Cast: Joseph Fiennes, Shawn Dou, Bruce Locke, Augusta Xu-Holland, Richard Sanderson, Jesse Kove, Elizabeth Arends, Simon Twu, Darren Grosvenor, Shigeo Kobayashi
Running Time: 104 min. 

By Martin Sandison

The story of Eric Liddell is one as a Scotsman I have a lot of interest in. Liddell won the 400 metres race at the 1924 Olympics – the story of which is told in the classic movie Chariots of Fire – and was one of Scotland’s greatest athletes. What happened after this feat in the life of Liddell, Wings of Eagles concerns itself with, and very interestingly it takes place in China. A Chinese/Hong Kong co-production shot in English with a little Mandarin, starring Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare in Love) as Liddell, this movie manages to tell a dramatic true story without falling in to the traps of many recent Chinese productions.

In the film’s prologue, we discover that Liddell was born in China to Christian missionary parents, and returned there after he had become a successful athlete with his wife and daughters to be a missionary. When the Japanese occupation of China during the Second World War occurs, his family escape back to Scotland and he stays to help the downtrodden. He is forced to go to a Japanese internment camp along with his mostly Western friends, and the movie plays out in this scenario.

Credited directors are Stephen Shin (The Source of Love) and Michael Parker (Hong Kong Express), a very intriguing collaboration. Shin has been directing films in Hong Kong since the 80’s, but is known more as a producer with credits including Yuen Woo Ping’s Tiger Cage 2. The last film he directed was made in 2003. Parker, a Canadian native, is also more recognisable in a producer’s role, and has the distinction of being a Westerner in Hong Kong. It’s a bit of a gamble for the two to make a film with a reasonably big star and a pretty lavish production. Undoubtedly, it pays off, although the film is decidedly above average in many departments.

Structurally, Wings of Eagles is very well-delivered with a necessary prologue short in length, and on to the story of Liddell, as narrated by his Chinese best friend Xiu Niu (Shawn Dou, Flowers of War). There is a depth to the proceedings, with screen time dedicated to not just Liddell but also bit part players in the story. Unfortunately, the Western actors are nowhere near a match for Fiennes magnificent performance as Liddell. I would go so far as to say Fiennes gives the best performance of his career, depicting Liddell with tremendous courage and spirit. There are many standout scenes conveying this, especially towards the end of the film, such as when Liddell races the commanding officer of the camp in an ultimate show of altruism to his friends. Also, a bit unfortunately, and one aspect that only niggles, because I am a Scotsman: Fiennes affects a posh English accent. Ok, I know the Scottish accent can be hard to understand, but come on!

Not just a platform to tell the story of Liddell, the Wings of Eagles is a superb account of WW2 and the affect the Japanese occupation had on China and its residents, Chinese or non-Chinese. Yes, the stereotypes of the Japanese soldiers are in full effect, but some of them try to assist Liddell in his efforts to help his friends in the camp.

Actually, the film plays out with a definite Christian slant, with Liddell depicted as the epitome of the “good Christian”, always willing to put the lives of this friends and loved ones over his own. My experience and knowledge that Christianity is on the rise in China may partly account for the producers decision to make the film, despite a more recent Government crackdown on the religion in the Mainland. The mawkish sentimentality, melodrama, and flag waving so prevalent in Chinese productions these days are thankfully kept to a minimum, with a mature approach to the subject matter. Even the musical score anchors the images well without descending in to over emphatic territory.

As noted previously, some of the Western actors are below par in their acting, with some badly delivered lines that tend to take the viewer out of the film. Dou, with not a lot to do, aquits himself well. The kids, mostly in the internment camp and one outside, are convincing and add to the story. At times, the film comes across as a little preachy and hammy, with a slight dose of cheddar, but fortunately these elements are not to the fore very much, and the film comes across as genuinely conceived.

A sumptuously shot film that is a fitting tribute to the legendary Eric Liddell, Wings of Eagles succeeds for the most part and had me entertained and interested throughout. The film will be released by Signature entertainment on Digital HD on 12th March and DVD on the 19th of March. In currently available in the U.S. from Sony Pictures. Seek it out.

Martin Sandison’s Rating: 8/10

Posted in All, Asian Related, Chinese, News, Reviews | Tagged |

Move over Detective Dee! Well Go USA hires ‘Detective K’

" Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead" Teaser Poster

” Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead” Teaser Poster

Well Go USA has announced the release of Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead, an action/comedy period film by Kim Suk Yoon (Old Miss Diary) – and the third part of a trilogy that began with 2011’s Detective K: Secret of the Virtuous Widow and 2015’s Detective K: Secret of the Lost Island.

When a series of unusual murders occurs, Detective K (Kim Myung-min of Proof of Innocence) and his partner (Oh Dal-soo of Tunnel) are once again called upon to solve the case. Along the way, he teams up with a beautiful woman (Kim Ji-won of Horror Stories) with amnesia and together they discover Vampire bite marks on all of the bodies.

The film releases on February 16th, so check your local listings. Until then, don’t miss its Trailer below:

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