P.O.W. the Escape | Blu-ray (Scorpion Releasing)

P.O.W. the Escape | Blu-ray (Scorpion Releasing)

P.O.W. the Escape | Blu-ray (Scorpion Releasing)


This summer, Scorpion Releasing is coming out with the Blu-ray for Gideon Amir’s P.O.W. the Escape (aka Attack Force ‘Nam), a 1986 Cannon actioner starring David Carradine (Kill Bill Vol. 1, True Legend), Steve James (Vigilante, American Ninja) and Mako (The Big Brawl, Perfect Weapon).

As with the ninja craze and the kickboxing craze, there was the Vietnam craze – for the most part, this “sub-genre” usually centered around a one-man army who backtracks to the deadly jungles of Vietnam to rescue forgotten POWs. Chuck Norris did it in Missing in Action, Sylvester Stallone did it in Rambo: First Blood Part II, and Continue reading

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

Hocus Pocus (1984) Review

"Hocus Pocus" Theatrical Poster

“Hocus Pocus” Theatrical Poster

Director: Chin Yuet Sang
Producer: Sammo Hung
Cast: Lam Ching Ying, Stephen Tung Wei, Law Ho Kai, Chin Yuet Sang, Peter Chan Lung, Tai San, Alice Lau Ar Lai, Fung Lee, Cheung Ging Boh
Running Time: 94 min.

By Paul Bramhall

In 1984 it’d been 4 years since Sammo Hung directed and starred in Encounters of the Spooky Kind, the 1980 horror comedy kung fu flick hybrid that would prove hugely influential throughout the rest of the decade (culminating in a sequel in 1990). Mixing the 3 genres resulted in some interesting titles, from the Billy Chong vehicles Kung Fu Zombie and Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave (released in 1981 and 1982 respectively), to Sammo himself revisiting the genre with Wu Ma’s The Dead and the Deadly in 1982. Both Encounters of the Spooky Kind and The Dead and the Deadly feature Lam Ching-Ying in supporting roles, and in 1985 Ching-Ying would take Continue reading

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CBD Shatter 101: What Is CBD Shatter and How Do You Use It?

CBD Shatter 101: What Is CBD Shatter and How Do You Use It?

CBD Shatter 101: What Is CBD Shatter and How Do You Use It?

CBD Shatter 101: What Is CBD Shatter and How Do You Use It?

In the last several years, CBD usage has skyrocketed in the US. An estimated 64 million Americans have used CBD in the last year. Among those users, 22 percent reported that CBD has helped them reduce the usage of prescription drugs.

While there is much mystery surrounding CBD because of its lack of research, there is no doubt that many find comfort, relief and health benefits from using CBD. One of the most common and effective CBD products on the market is CBD shatter.

We’ve broken down what CBD shatter is and the best way to use it to experience maximized effects.

What Does CBD Do?

In the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the US banned the production of industrial hemp. Although they have no addictive or mind-altering properties, CBD products saw no legal differentiation with other marijuana products. However, the 2018 US Farm Bill federally legalized hemp production, since then allowing for a major rise in CBD products for health.

While often referred to as the marijuana plant’s “cousin”, CBD has no psychoactive properties and therefore, can’t get you high. CBD is associated with a wide range of health benefits like easing anxiety and reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. CBD is also reported to potentially reduce depression and chronic pain.

A 2018 report found that CBD was majorly effective in reducing epilepsy symptoms in children that typically don’t respond to usual seizure medicines. The report also concluded that CBD may be extremely helpful in reducing insomnia and inflammatory pain.

Click here if you want to experience the effects of high quality, flawlessly pure CBD Shatter for yourself.

What Is CBD Shatter?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. Naturally occurring and non-psychoactive, CBD does not produce any sedative or mind-altering effects.

CBD shatter is an isolate of CBD, meaning it contains nothing but pure CBD. Shatter, a variety of CBD isolate, has a hard and brittle texture that cracks when handled.

CBD shatter is made by extracting cannabinoids from a hemp plant and continuously filtering the remaining plant compounds. After the filtration process, the leftover concentrate usually contains over 90 percent CBD. CBD isolates come in many different forms like powder, wax or crystals, but is commonly used as shatter because of its powerful effects.

CBD was deemed safe by the World Health Organization in 2017, and while the positive effects have not yet been proven, scientists are slowly working toward building evidence in its favor.

Ways to Use CBD Shatter

The most effective and common way of using CBD shatter is through a process called dabbing. Dabbing is a process of inhaling CBD vapor when shatter is placed on top of a heated surface. Dabbing is best done with a dab rig or dab pen.

By heating the surface with a torch and then placing the shatter on it, the vapor is released quicker. Powerful components in the CBD are also well maintained. When inhaling CBD shatter from dabbing, it takes around five minutes to feel the effects.

This is a much quicker process than other methods like taking CBD edibles or using CBD topically. If using a dab rig or pen, remember that CBD shatter contains over 90 percent pure CBD, and only small doses are necessary.

Experience the Benefits Today

If you experience chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, or stress, CBD shatter may be a solution to your suffering. We recommend taking CBD in small doses to start out and conducting extensive research before buying rigs or pens.

Visit our website for more helpful reviews and information.

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Can Cannabis Improve Your Sex Life?

Can Cannabis Improve Your Sex Life?

Can Cannabis Improve Your Sex Life?

Sex and weed.

Now that we’ve got everyone undivided attention, let’s put the jokes aside and actually explore this fascinating topic. There are a lot of beliefs out there surrounding cannabis and sex.

Is there a benefit to using cannabis for sex? Some people swear by it but does smoking weed make men impotent? Keep reading to learn more about the facts when it comes to getting high and getting intimate.

Oysters or Bong Packs?

It’s no question that sex is one of the greatest motivating factors for humanity. There are about a thousand different treatments and remedies for erectile dysfunction and “natural male enhancement.”

Throughout history, a number of foods, such as oysters and chocolate, have been purported have aphrodisiac qualities. Read more now to learn about the history of sex and cannabis.

But what about sex and marijuana? Can it really cause low sperm count or is that an old wives’ tale to get people from having amazing sex? You be the judge.

Taking Cannabis for Sex

Nowadays, with the explosion of medical cannabis and CBD, you can find people swearing that it cured them of X condition.

However, studies have confirmed its safety and effectiveness in a number of conditions. The research has actually been extremely promising.

It has been slow due to federal regulations but you should expect to see many more studies and trials coming out soon. Let’s see what the studies on marijuana and libido, low sperm count, and other factors have shown.

Low Sperm Count

This is one we’ve heard since we were little. Men who smoke weed overtime are supposed to get oligospermia (low sperm count). It’s been mentioned in movies and TV shows but should men who want to have kids really avoid cannabis?

There have been several smaller studies that could suggest that heavy smokers could have significantly lower sperm counts and impaired motility. However, it wasn’t possible to confirm the effect is due to cannabis.

It might be reasonable for men who smoke and want to have kids to get their sperm tested or lay off for a little while. However, there are plenty of men who consume cannabis and have no problem fathering children.

Erectile Dysfunction

If sex and cannabis go so well together. How is it some people claim it can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED)?

There are actually some conflicting studies. Some studies indeed show increased ED in males that use cannabis but others show improved performance.

Indeed, it seems to help men who have anxiety or pain.

Increased Libido and Toe-Curling Orgasms

Here is the other side of the coin. Cannabis and sex go together like peas in a pod for some people.

Several studies show that women report increased desire and sexual pleasure. They reported increased lubrication and stronger orgasms.

Marijuana and sex seem to work for some people. They report that it gets them in the mood and makes them more adventurous in the bedroom.

The Bottom Line

To be frank, the science is actually a little murky when it comes to cannabis for sex. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that cannabis is actually good for intimacy.

However, there are also studies that link weed to ED and low sperm counts. But it seems reasonably safe for most people to try it.

Stay safe out there. Visit our blog for more articles about health and wellbeing.

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What is CBD Distillate and What is It Used For?

What is CBD Distillate and What is It Used For?

What is CBD Distillate and What is It Used For?

Having more options isn’t always better. In fact, scientists say that the more options you’re presented with, the harder it is to make a final decision. So, it should be no wonder people have such a hard time choosing the right CBD products.

CBD isolate, full-spectrum CBD, CBD distillate, and the list goes on. Today, you’re in luck because we’re helping you learn about CBD distillate.

If you’re wondering: what is CBD distillate and why does the difference matter? Then you better check out this article because we’re telling you everything you need to know.

What Is CBD Distillate?

After extracting cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial plant components from legal hemp, these raw materials go through purification.

The first step of purification typically removes the THC. It leaves behind other plant materials like terpenes, cannabinoids other than THC, beneficial fatty acids, and a whole host of nutrients. This is what’s called a CBD distillate.

How Is CBD Distillate Different from CBD Isolate?

CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD you can find. To make isolates, labs purify hemp plant raw materials twice instead of once. The first purification removes all traces of THC; the second purification eliminates any other plant materials.

The big difference between distillates and isolates? Distillates may still offer the entourage effect while isolates do not.

The Entourage Effect

When you ingest natural cannabis, each terpene, cannabinoid, and nutrient has a different benefit to your body. These compounds don’t just interact with your body, though. They also interact with each other.

According to some research, the benefits of one cannabinoid or terpene can be greatly increased (or decreased) by other plant materials. This is what we refer to as the entourage effect.

Here’s an example: scientists have discovered a unique interaction between CBD and THC. THC, taken alone, causes a buzz or a “high”, which may be undesirable for some CBD users. Yet, when taken alongside CBD, many people report feeling less high.

This is one instance of the entourage effect but it isn’t the only one. Terpenes like linalool are also known to interact with CBD in beneficial ways.

What about Full- and Broad-Spectrum CBD?

By now you may be wondering: but what about full-spectrum vs. broad-spectrum CBD? How are those products related to distillates?

Broad-spectrum CBD is just another term for a distillate. That’s because broad-spectrum CBD contains all the hemp plant materials, excepting THC.

Meanwhile, full-spectrum CBD is the most unpurified form of CBD you can find on the market. It does contain THC but, by law, the amount must be less than 0.3% THC in states where cannabis isn’t legal.

Full-spectrum hemp extracts offer you the best opportunity to harness the entourage effect. Still, if you’re concerned about drug testing or hate feeling high, you’ll want to stick with broad-spectrum CBD distillate.

How Much Does CBD Distillate Cost?

The cost of a THC-free distillate differs depending on the percentage of cannabinoids present. For example, distillates with 70%–80% cannabinoids are much less expensive than distillates with 80%–90% cannabinoids.

Products with higher cannabinoid concentrations tend to cost around $25 per gram. Lower concentrations tend to start at $20 per gram.

Of course, some distillates are only available for wholesale purchase. To learn more, check out this guide to crystal resistant CBD distillate wholesale price.

The Benefits of CBD Distillate

So, why do people use CBD distillate? Aside from the entourage effect, most people want to take advantage of the benefits of each individual compound found in distillates.

Beneficial Terpenes

If you’ve never heard of terpenes, maybe you know them by a different M.O. They’re the smell-good compounds we add to essential oils, perfumes, and even candy.

Terpenes are found in the majority of plants and flowers in nature. The hemp flower is no exception. In fact, hemp contains more than 100 known terpenes that offer benefits to people who use CBD distillate.

For example, pinene is a well-known terpene found in hemp, orange rinds, basil, and parsley. In addition to its bright scent, pinene is also known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and bronchodilation (it opens your airways) effects.

Myrcene is the terpene you probably associate with the pungent smell of hemp flower. After all, it constitutes about 50% of the total terpenes found in the plant. Researchers are highly interested in this terpene’s antibiotic, analgesic, and relaxing benefits.

Beneficial Cannabinoids

THC and CBD may get most of the attention these days, but their cannabinoid siblings are just as awesome.

Consider cannabigerol AKA CBG. Like CBD, CBG won’t make you feel high. What it may do is offer relief from anxiety, pain, and even depression.

Cannabinol (CBN) is another cannabinoid that doesn’t receive as much attention as it deserves. CBN is thought to be responsible for the relaxing effects of natural hemp and may help with issues such as insomnia.

Beneficial Hemp Plant Nutrients

Last but not least, CBD distillate is chocked full of beneficial vitamins and nutrients. It should be no wonder, then, that humans have been using hemp as a source of food for thousands of years.

“Good” polyunsaturated fats and especially omega-3 fatty acids are extremely difficult for people to get into their diets. Yet, this nutrient is absolutely essential to our health. The good news is CBD distillate can help— it contains high amounts of omega-3s.

Hemp seeds particularly are also excellent sources of vitamins E and B as well as magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and more.

Even if you don’t plan to take CBD distillate for its nutritional value, CBD oil is an excellent addition to any well-rounded diet.

CBD Distillate: The Bottom Line

If you were wondering what is CBD distillate, you have your answer now. Next time you head to your favorite CBD store or browse your favorite brand online, make sure to have this guide handy.

Loved this article about CBD and want more like it? Be sure to check our blog every day for new articles!

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A Storm is Coming: Casanova Wong’s Top 10 Fight Scenes

A Storm is Coming: Casanova Wongs Top 10 Fight ScenesOut of all the old-school kung fu stars, arguably nobody lives up to their nickname more than Casanova Wong, the Human Tornado. A name bestowed upon him during his time in the Korean Army for his incredible spin kicks, it was a talent which saw him destined to be one of the legendary boot-masters to grace the silver screen.

Born in Korea as Kim Yong-ho, his kicks lit up the screen for 20 years from 1974 – 1994, warranting any title he appeared in worth a look. Starting out in Korea’s burgeoning martial arts genre, after featuring alongside fellow super-kicker Hwang Jang Lee in the likes of Secret Agent and Black Dragon River, in 1977 Casanova tried his hand (or rather, foot) in Hong Kong. Under the tutelage of Sammo Hung Continue reading

Posted in Features, News |

The Secret to Blowing Perfect Smoke Ring

The Secret to Blowing Perfect Smoke Ring

The Secret to Blowing Perfect Smoke Ring

Sometimes, a regular inhale and exhale just won’t do.

Instead, you want to blow smoke rings — but it’s a trick that’s much easier envisioned than executed. Fortunately, those who have mastered the art of smoke rings have laid out steps for you to follow. Now, you can create them on your own, too.

Here’s what to do.

1. Choose the Right Smoking Device

To blow smoke rings, you want to make sure you have enough smoke.

You can use cigarettes, of course. But you might want to try using a hookah, which produces more smoke than a regular cigarette and lasts longer, too. You’ll have plenty of smoke with which to practice.

Once you know how to set up hookah, get it heated up and move onto step two.

Of course, you can opt for another smoking apparatus, if you don’t have or like to use the hookah. Get your vape, pipe or cigarette ready before trying the next steps.

2. Place Your Tongue at the Bottom of Your Mouth

Interestingly, your tongue plays no part in creating smoke rings. So, get it out of the way before you inhale smoke.

Smooth your tongue onto the bottom of your mouth. That makes way for more smoke to fit in, too — and you’ll need a lot to create impressive rings.

3. Inhale Deeply

Inexperienced smokers won’t be able to blow rings right away — inhaling too much smoke will probably lead them to cough.

So, practice smoking so you can do it without coughing. Then, take a deep inhale of smoke pre-blowing rings. Hold some of the vapor in your lungs and some in your mouth.

Once you’re experienced, you can do this without looking puffy-cheeked. All of your smoke will be waiting in your lungs for a ring-blowing display.

4. Curl Your Lips Into an O Shape

Smoke will exit through your mouth. As such, the shape of your lips will dictate the form of the smoke as it departs.

The more rounded you can make your lips, the better. Try watching yourself in the mirror to see how circular you can get your mouth to look. If you can’t master the shape, try saying “Oooh” and mimicking that movement as you exhale.

5. Relax Your Jaw… But Not Too Much

As you make the O shape, you might feel the urge to tighten your jaw and mouth. But this motion is not the same as, say, a kissy face. You need to loosen your circle so that smoke can flow out in a circular shape.

However, exhaling with a too-loose jaw won’t create the crisp circles you want. Practice closing your jaw halfway as smoke passes through. This motion will help sharpen the edges of your circle and push out smoke rings — no smoke blobs in sight.

6. Push Out the Smoke

This task is the trickiest of all — pushing smoke through your circularly shaped mouth to create smoke rings.

Now, there are multiple methods for doing this, and each one requires a bit of skill on your part.

Method number one will have you moving your tongue from the bottom of your mouth and pushing it back toward your throat. At the same time, you’ll press the tip of your tongue downward.

Next, you’ll have to be quick as you push the curled end of your tongue forward. Imagine it’s working like a car piston, pushing smoke out in short, controlled bursts. After you create a ring, pull your tongue back into position and repeat.

Others suggest you use your throat to push smoke out in bursts. This option will require some serious lung control — you might have to work up to making your rings this way.

No matter which option you choose, one thing is for sure — this will take practice. It will take time to master the mouth shapes and breath control you need to create rings. So, have patience and keep going!

7. Get Fancy

Once you master the basic smoke ring, you can move onto even more impressive exhalation tricks.

For instance, you can learn to add spin to your smoke rings. As the smoke leaves your mouth, you can push the tongue forward again to give the circle a bit of movement.

Another trick is to boost the distance your rings travel. If you’re fast to close your mouth after emitting a circle, then it’ll be smaller and cover more ground before dissipating.

You can also manipulate your lips to blow two smoke rings at once. If you press on your lips to halve your big O into two smaller circles, you can create a pair of smoke rings.

8. …Or, Make Things Easier

Some smokers might call it cheating, but you’re a beginner. So, you might want to try a few tips to make smoke rings even easier to make.

One of the more widely used shortcuts is to tap the side of your cheek instead of exhaling with force. So, you’ll create an O shape with your mouth and hold the smoke in your mouth and lungs. But you’ll then tap the side of your cheek to create rings with every push.

You can also create smoke rings with your cigarette box. Burn a circular hole into the cellophane wrapper, then blow smoke into it. You can then tap the box to create smoke rings, although it might not be as satisfying as creating them yourself.

Blow Smoke Rings

You now have all the tips — and cheats — to blow smoke rings on your own. So, fire up the hookah or grab your vape and get started. You have a new trick to master.

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Are Bongs Better for Your Lungs? Here’s What Science Says!

Are Bongs Better for Your Lungs? Here's What Science Says!

Are Bongs Better for Your Lungs? Here’s What Science Says!

Cannabis consumption reaches over 238 million people worldwide, 135 countries, and is rising by the day. Though cannabis is controversial for some, facts are facts. Hundreds of millions of people must have their reasons.

It’s getting harder to argue the benefits of weed. Marijuana madness stems from its ever-evolving methods of ingestion. The more accessible weed becomes, the more creative ways people find to take it.

Weed can be used topically, sublingually, inhaled, or eaten. While having options serves the masses, without facts, they pose uncertainty.

If you’ve wondered if smoking from a bong’s better for your lungs, it’s time for the truth. Read on to see if it’s bye-bye-bong time or if bongs are truly best.

Smoking From a Bong

Usually, history supports lasting patterns. Though marijuana’s boomed in the last decade, it’s been around for centuries.

Bong smoking—also referred to as water pipes or bubblers—dates back 2,400 years. Because of that, it’s easy to call weed good. At the same time, history also backed cigarette smoking.

Here’s the truth.

Are Bongs the Best Way to Smoke?

It’s true that bongs feel better than joints due to their water filtration process. They cool the water before inhalation, making it a softer hit for your lungs. Instead of taking smaller joint hits to titrate the heat’s impact, bongs allow you to take bigger hits with less impact.

While it feels better to use bongs, the question remains, Are bongs better for your lungs? The truth requires an in-depth breakdown of the smoking process.

Smoke Versus Smoke

In general, science won’t back smoking. The body knows smoke regardless of what you’re smoking. Since science says smoking’s bad for the body, the question becomes, Does how you smoke impact the body differently?

Here’s what to consider.

Bong Shape

Bongs are more diverse than joints. Since blunts are packed like cigarettes, they hit the lungs the same—immediately and in the back of the throat.

Bongs have different shapes and sizes to impact the water filtration process. While two blunts work the same, no two bongs do. Choosing from straight-tubed, beaker-shaped, round-based, or multi-chamber bongs helps control your weed intake.

Instead of conforming to a hard-hitting joint, your bong conforms to you—whether you’re a beginner or a master wake-and-baker.

Bong Material

An instrument’s healthy contents don’t matter if the material’s made with chemicals. Being mindful about plastic, bamboo, ceramic, and metal bongs gives insight into what you’re really smoking.

A bong uses water as a buffer to soften smoking’s impact. But if your bong’s made of plastic, the efforts will be wasted—you’ll also have BPA and phthalates to worry about.

Quality weed requires a quality bong. Once you have one, you can nix worrying about inhaling ash and lighter particles like joint-smokers do.

Smoking from a bong means eliminating the most health-concerning factors to ensure a happy high.

The Bong Experience

A healthy high involves many factors—the weed, the ingestion method, and the environment. Finding if bongs are best for you means identifying when, with whom, and where you’re smoking first.

Bong or No Bong

One of the benefits of smoking out of a bong is that they’re good for solo or social scenes. They can be used periodically and don’t have you stopping everything to light up. If you’re at a gathering, you can use it as a party accessory—as part of the party, not the center of it.

Tackling a joint by yourself is a tall order—once it’s lit, it won’t stop for anyone.

Since bongs aren’t as portable as joints, they’re best used inside. Learning about your smoking habits helps know if it’s best for you to smoke a bong.

Bong Maintenance 

Keeping the bongwater clear makes sure your lungs feel clear too. No one wants to inhale anything with dirty water.

Some prefer cleaning bongs versus rolling their own flower and paper. Your maintenance preferences can help you choose.

Bong Beauty

Beyond a bong’s construction, they’re artsy, fun, and serve an aesthetic purpose. While it’s easy to deem those things unimportant, the smoking experience starts with the energy behind the ingestion method.

Having a good high involves the intention behind it. Feeling safe and comfortable can be accessed immediately through a friendly and fun bong design.

Making the Best of Bong Life

It’s a big ask for science to back smoking even with weed—and even if history supports it. That said, weighing your pros and cons is the name of the game. At the end of the day, knowing your preferences might mean trying them both—safely.

Ask yourself which feels better.

Mechanics of Joints

  • Grind the flower
  • Fill the rolling papers
  • Roll it well
  • Light it
  • Be mindful of the lighter particles, tar, and direct heat to the lungs
  • Monitor how quickly it burns out
  • Take smaller hits more frequently
  • Potentially rush your smoking process

Mechanics of Bongs

  • Grind the flower
  • Fill the bong with water
  • Fill the bong bowl with flower
  • Take bigger hits less frequently
  • Clean the bongwater often
  • Have a cooler, softer experience
  • Be mindful of the bong materials to know what you’re inhaling

Both methods require maintenance but your choice makes it worth it. Lungs thank bong smokers more, but science won’t thank either. Smoking smart and staying safe creates a positive weed relationship.

Bring on the Bong

Just as varying weed strains are still weed, different methods of smoking are still smoking. Upon knowing science’s stance, it’s up to you to see what your lungs prefer.

As weed spikes in popularity, it’s myriad ingestion methods remain hot topics of conversation. Most would say, yes, smoking from a bong is better than blunts since it feels better. And while some would argue that what feels better is better, science has another opinion.

As is always true, however, only you know what’s best for you. Ask your lungs how they feel.

For more health and wellness conversations, check out our latest blog posts!

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Trailer for Netflix’ actioner ‘The Old Guard’ starring Charlize Theron with ‘Furie’ star Veronica Ngo

"The Old Guard" Netflix Poster

“The Old Guard” Netflix Poster

In addition to Spike Lee’s Da 5 Bloods, we got another one for fans of Furie star, Veronica Ngo. The rising Vietnamese sensation will appear with Charlize Theron (Atomic Blonde) and the gang in The Old Guard, which arrives on Netflix on July 10.

The film also stars Chiwetel Ejiofor (Redbelt), Harry Melling (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Matthias Schoenaerts (Red Sparrow), Luca Marinelli (Don’t Be Bad) and Marwan Kenzari (Murder on the Orient Express).

The The Old Guard – based on the graphic novel series created by author Greg Rucka and illustrator Leandro Fernández – tells the story of a small covert group of immortal mercenaries who must fight to keep their team together when they discover the existence of a new immortal and their extraordinary abilities Continue reading

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Bruce and the Iron Finger (1979) Review

"Bruce and the Iron Finger" Promotional Poster

“Bruce and the Iron Finger” Promotional Poster

AKA: Bruce vs. Iron Hand
Director: To Man-Bo

Cast: Bruce Li (aka Ho Chung Tao, James Ho), Bruce Leung Siu Lung, Ku Feng, Fong Yau, Dai Sai Aan, Wong Kwong Yue, Lin Ke Ming, Lee Hoi San, Tai San
Running Time: 86 min.

By Paul Bramhall

In 1979 the Bruceploitation genre ramped up with a vengeance, spurred on by the posthumous release of Game of Death the year prior, the genre burnt bright for a few more years before fizzling out in the early 80’s. Featuring what must surely be a record for the number of movies released with ‘Bruce’ in the title – Bruce the Superhero, Treasure of Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee Strikes Back, Bruce vs. Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow, Fists of Bruce Lee, Blind Fists of Bruce, and last but by no means least, Bruce and the Iron Finger Continue reading

Posted in All, Bruceploitation, Chinese, News, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , |

Legacy of Lies | DVD (Lionsgate)

Legacy of Lies | DVD (Lionsgate)

Legacy of Lies | DVD (Lionsgate)

RELEASE DATE: July 28, 2020,

On July 28, 2020, martial arts star Scott Adkins (Ip Man 4) will soon be caught in Legacy of Lies (read our review), an upcoming thriller that follows a former assassin (Adkins) who is pulled back into the dangerous world he hoped he’d left behind. The film marks the feature-length debut of writer/director Adrian Bol.

A decade ago, agent Martin Baxter (Adkins) quit MI6 after his wife’s tragic murder in an operation gone wrong. But when Sacha, a beautiful journalist, asks for help solving an old case, Martin finds himself in the crosshairs of both UK and Russian intelligence. Now, with his daughter held captive by the KGB, Martin has just 24 hours to deliver the secret case files — which means risking both Sacha’s life and his own Continue reading

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

‘Furie’ star Veronica Ngo featured in New Netflix Trailer for Spike Lee’s Vietnam Thriller ‘Da 5 Bloods’

"Clash" International Theatrical Poster

“Clash” International Theatrical Poster

Ever rising Vietnamese star Veronica Ngo (House in the Alley, Furie) is featured in Spike Lee’s upcoming Netflix film, Da 5 Bloods, a Vietnam thriller starring Chadwick Boseman, Delroy Lindo, Clarke Peters, Norm Lewis, Jean Reno, and Isiah Whitlock, Jr. – and Ngo’s frequent co-star, Johnny Tri Nguyen, is also credited for appearing in film.

To Western audiences, Ngo is mostly known for her work in the acclaimed Vietnamese martial arts features The Rebel and Clash with Johnny Tri Nguyen, not to mention a minor role in Yuen Woo-ping’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny with Michelle Yeoh and Donnie Yen. And her recent appearances in Bright and Star Wars: The Last Jedi have gotten her more exposure in mainstream Hollywood Continue reading

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Force of Nature | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Force of Nature | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Force of Nature | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

RELEASE DATE: June 30, 2020

On June 30, 2020, Lionsgate Home Entertainment is releasing the Blu-ray & DVD for Force of Nature.

After a consistent stream of shoot ’em up titles such as Get The Gringo, Machete Kills, Expendables 3, Blood Father and Dragged Across Concrete, legendary action star/director, Mel Gibson (Edge of Darkness), is out for more blood in Force of Nature, an action thriller from director Michael Polish (Big Sur).

During a violent category 5 hurricane, a disgraced cop, Cardillo (Emile Hirsch, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,  Speed Racer) races to evacuate an apartment building when he comes across Dr. Troy (Kate Bosworth, Superman Returns, Straw Dogs), and her retired detective father Ray (Gibson). When a murderous gang of thieves arrives to rob a wealthy tenant, they must join forces to battle the criminals Continue reading

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Weed 101: How to Choose the Right Types of Pot for You

Weed 101: How to Choose the Right Types of Pot for You

Weed 101: How to Choose the Right Types of Pot for You

Are you trying to decide what types of pot are best for what you are looking for in your high? Well, never fear. There are a ton of different types of pot out there, but it’s not nearly as hard to narrow it down as you may think.

Let’s go through some of the options that are available to you, and what you should be looking for when choosing the best kind of weed for your purposes!


First, you’ll need to decide what balance of THC and CBD you’re looking for in your pot. THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, is what creates the high when you’re smoking pot, while CBD (Cannabidiol) is what’s responsible for the relaxation sensation.

Both THC and CBD are part of what makes a type of pot work for you, and both have different health benefits that you may be looking for when choosing a type of pot.

Finding the perfect balance for your high is paramount for making sure you’re choosing the right pot for you. Harvest House of Cannabis shops can help you find the right balance when you’re shopping for a new type of pot.

Picking the Right Strain of Pot For You

Next, you’ll need to decide what strain of pot is the right choice for you. You’ve probably heard the words Indica and Sativa, but what do there really mean? Let’s find out!

Indica strains generally have higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC, making them generally better for relaxing and anxiety. Indica strains of pot are better generally for body pains, or if you plan on using pot to help you sleep better. Some of the best known and most popular Indica strains include Sour Diesel, Lemon Haze, Maui Wowie, and Laughing Buddha.

Sativa strains are better for daytime use because they increase energy and can help reduce anxiety. Sativa generally has lower levels of CBD and higher levels of THC, making it a different feel than Indica strains.

Sativa strains are commonly known for their brain-based high, rather than a body high. Some popular types of Sativa include Northern Light, OG Kush, Grand Daddy Purple, and Ice Wreck.

You can also pick up a hybrid strain, which can combine the best qualities of Sativa and Indica strains of pot. It’s basically like the best of both worlds! Some popular hybrid pot strains include White Widow, Pineapple Express, Birthday Cake Kush, and Cookies and Cream.

There are really no wrong answers when it comes to choosing the right strain of pot for you. It all depends on what you’re looking for!

Best Types of Pot For You

Clearly, there are a lot of different options for what are the best types of pot for your high. Choosing the right strain of pot can be difficult, so be sure to consult your friendly neighborhood weed shop.

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What Are Some Common Signs You Need a Divorce?

What Are Some Common Signs You Need a Divorce

What Are Some Common Signs You Need a Divorce

What Are Some Common Signs You Need a Divorce?

Within a single year, 787,251 couples filed for divorce. Though the divorce rate in the United States has improved recently, divorces are still common. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize it’s the best option until after months or even years of suffering.

Don’t put yourself through that emotional turmoil. Instead, keep an eye out for these five signs you need a divorce. With this guide, you can catch the warning signs before the situation gets worse.

1. You Prefer Time Alone

First, take a look at your regular habits. Do you and your spouse go out on regular dates? Maybe you both prefer to spend time apart or with others instead.

Do you get excited about the idea of a single life again? If so, consider these both signs you should divorce. You should love spending time with the person you’re with, not dread their company.

2. You Cheat

Have you or your spouse cheated recently? Do you dodge your spouse’s touch when they come close? Both of these are signs you need a divorce.

If either of you cheats, it indicates you’re no longer interested in keeping your vows to each other. It also indicates that you would prefer someone else’s company. Consider speaking to your spouse about your problems or filing for a divorce.

3. You Can’t See a Future

What do the next five or 10 years with your spouse look like to you? If it’s not filled with success and happiness, you might want to reconsider that future.

When you get married, you’re making a commitment to spend your life with someone. However, it’s possible for feelings to change. Maybe you’re not living the life you dreamed of.

If you’re not happy, it’s time to reconsider your marriage.

There are over 76,258 family law and divorce lawyers in the United States. If you don’t see a future with your spouse, consider looking into divorce law. An experienced divorce lawyer can help you plan for a better future.

4. You Don’t Care Anymore

If you and your spouse want to repair the divide between you, you’ll both make an effort. However, it’s possible you no longer have an interest in each other or repairing your marriage.

Does your spouse do things that would have bothered you in the past? If you’re no longer fazed, review these signs you need a divorce. You might want to make a change.

5. You Don’t Think Counseling Helps

Many couples go through marriage counseling to repair their marriage. If it feels like your marriage is beyond repair, it’s possibly time for a divorce.

It takes two people to repair a marriage, and you both need to be dedicated to the process for counseling to work. Otherwise, it’s likely too late.

Consider Separating: 5 Signs You Need a Divorce

Are you noticing these signs you need a divorce in your marriage? You might want to consider speaking with your spouse, a counselor, or a lawyer. Your next move, however, is between you and your spouse.

Searching for more guides? Check out our latest features for more helpful tips and tricks.

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