Old Stone | Blu-ray (Kino Lorber)

Old Stone | Blu-ray (Kino Lorber)

Old Stone | Blu-ray (Kino Lorber)

RELEASE DATE: January 30, 2018

On January 30, 2018, Zeitgeist Films and Kino Lorber will be releasing the Blu-ray for Johnny Ma’s Old Stone, a critically acclaimed social-realist drama that slowly turns into blood-drenched noir.

Old Stone follows the repercussions of a car accident in a society where life is cheap and compassion is ruinously expensive. When a drunken passenger causes Lao Shi (Chen Gang) to swerve and hit a motorcyclist, the driver stops to help the injured man. When no police or ambulance arrive he drives the victim to the hospital, checks him in and finds himself liable for the man s medical bills. The repercussions of Shi s selfless act expose a society rife with bone-chilling callousness and bureaucratic indifference.

Pre-order Old Stone from Amazon.com today! 


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