Martial arts star Conan Lee to make a comeback in ‘MMA’

"Eliminators" Theatrical Poster

“Eliminators” Theatrical Poster

Martial arts star Conan Lee (Cyprus Tigers) – an actor known for the Hong Kong classics Ninja in the Dragon’s Den and Tiger on the Beat, and Hollywood films such as EliminatorsArmed Response and Lethal Weapon 4 – is making a comeback in MMA, an upcoming film he’s directing, writing and also starring in.

According to SA, MMA is a semi-autobiographical tale about an action star “who is more than willing to put his career on hold to care for his ailing mother. He sees the sacrifice as a simple gesture of gratitude, happy to give back to the woman who gave him everything.”

MMA (perhaps a double entendre for both MMA and MAMA, as suggested by SA) is set to begin production in September. Stay tuned for more details.

For now, here’s a look at what Conan Lee is capable of:

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