Don't Stop My Crazy Love for You


"Director Hon Wei-tat tries to invoke the spirit of Hitchcock and pull off a contemporary thriller, but Yam's excessive portrayal of a psycho hacks up that idea."

- Gwailo

Don't Stop My Crazy Love for You (1993)

Director: Hon Wai Daat

Producer: Nam Yin, Lam Chung Gwok

Cast: Simon Yam Tat-Wah, Yvonne Yung Hung, Vincent Wan Yeung-Ming, Michael Wong Man Tak

Running Time: 92 min.

Plot: A beautiful TV anchorwoman is stalked by a crazed secret admirer.


GWAILO'S REVIEW: In the early 90's, Simon Yam must have cornered the market in playing kooks. Along with his touched in the head performance in My Crazy Love for You, Mr. Yam also appeared in Run and Kill, Dr. Lamb, Insanity, Naked Killer, Raped By an Angel, and Full Contact. Each character one-ups the next in the psycho department. In MCLFY Yam, again, chews scenery but also pushes the envelope on his Cat III persona. The films pseudo social comment on psychotic fan adornment is presented in an absurd way, but gives enough credence for nastiness that makes for a first rate genre entry.

Yam plays Fred; in the computer biz by day, part timing it after hours as a raving/sex-crazed/stalker/slasher/lunatic. Wonder if that job comes with a 401 K? Fred is infatuated with a popular news reporter who is also his neighbor, Kitty(Yvonne Hung). He watches her every move with a big ass telephoto lensed camera-penis metaphor anyone?- and prances around his apartment playing with his mannequin lover who he has dressed to resemble Kitty, tickling her and calling her honey. How sweet. Freddy, psychopath that he is, also has quite a bad temper. When his penis/camera sees Kitty in a bad light, he takes it out on Kitty #2, smacking her around. Feeling remorse, he apologizes, lays his lover down and initiates some nice 'make-up' nookie.

At Yam's home is his sanctuary and feeling very at ease in his bachelor pad-and as if the above passages weren't giggle inducing enough- Fred cross-dresses as Kitty, dressing the mannequin as himself, and serves a lovely breakfast. Yam's exploits are funny and done tongue though cheek. They are not to be taken seriously at all and illicit more laughter than pathos, this being the films success.

Your friend and mine, Michael Fitzgerald Wong shows up for a bit as Kitty's fiance but Yam disposes of him at the poor guys engagement/costume party. This party consists of a costume swapping scene that brought to mind a scene from Revenge of the Nerds, where Lewis and Stan were sort of wearing the same costume and when Stan put his mask down Lewis picked it up and doubled as Stan. He then followed Stan's girlfriend Betty on that moon ride and proceeded in giving her a little nerd something'-something'. Lewis was cool. Anyway, this swapping scene ends Wong's existence and now with future hubby out of the way, Yam does a little breaking and entering which leads to an exaggerated(like everything else in the film) finale, incorporating bullets and boobies. I won't give the ending away but common sense dictates the outcome.

Director Hon Wei-tat tries to invoke the spirit of Hitchcock and pull off a contemporary thriller, but Yam's excessive portrayal of a psycho hacks up that idea. It's just so hard not to laugh when you see Yam dressed as a woman or about to hump a mannequin. Yam's goofiness and Hung's naked proportions fulfill the Cat III quota and we also get an infamous piece of HK subtitling - "You shot my dicky! Are You that cruel?".