In the tradition of action-packed thrillers such as The Bourne Identity and The Man From Nowhere comes a new, high-octane Korean film titled The Suspect. Directed by Won Shin-yun (Seven Days, A Bloody Aria), this movie follows a North Korean secret agent who is betrayed by his government. On a mission of revenge, he heads to the South and cuts a warpath through deadly assassins and rival agents, all the while trying to unravel the conspiracy he’s found himself in the middle of.
A promo video is online now and promises plenty of bone-crunching fight scenes and wild car stunts. Fans of movies like The Yellow Sea and The Berlin File will certainly want to keep an eye on The Suspect. If the filmmakers can deliver the goods on this promo video, action buffs should be in for one hell of a treat when the movie hits theaters this Christmas in Korea.
Updates: Watch the latest trailer. – Thanks to Film Combat Syndicate