’s ‘No Tears for the Dead’ Blu-ray Giveaway! – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

No Tears for the Dead | Blu-ray & DVD (CJ Entertainment)

No Tears for the Dead | Blu-ray & DVD (CJ Entertainment) and CJ Entertainment are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of No Tears for the Dead to three lucky Cityonfire visitors. To enter, simply add a comment to this post and describe, in your own words, the beginning of this credit sequence from the 1975 Jimmy Wang Yu classic, The Man from Hong Kong.

We will be selecting a winner at random. Be sure to include your email address in the appropriate field so we can conta6ect you for your home address. Additionally, you must ‘Like Us‘ on’s Facebook by clicking here.

The Blu-ray & DVD for No Tears for the Dead will be officially released on February 17, 2015. We will announce the 3 winners on that day and ship out the prizes immediately.

CONTEST DISCLAIMER: You must enter by February 16, 2015 to qualify. U.S. residents only please. We sincerely apologize to our non-U.S. visitors. Winners must respond with their mailing address within 48 hours, otherwise you will automatically be disqualified. No exceptions. Contest is subject to change without notice.

WINNERS: Congratulations to Cheh Chieh Huang, Fabian and Evan. You have all been notified via email!

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26 Responses to’s ‘No Tears for the Dead’ Blu-ray Giveaway! – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

  1. Doug Lunsford says:

    man commutes home from target practice in his usual way.

  2. Lee Golden says:

    I first learned about The Man From Hong Kong while shopping regularly at where it was available through Fortune Star. I bought a few FS DVDs at the time and the quality of those discs are as sharp as anything, and it had an average 5 star customer rating which left me curious about it to this day. Haven’t seen it yet, but want to, particularly since Sammo is in it.

  3. Damon says:

    SAMMO! JWY being his usual badass self. Lady just dropping in.

  4. Nick G says:

    I remember as a child I thought I could hang-glide from home (CA) to Hong Kong… Oh, childhood.

  5. Alan Tan says:

    You know, there is going to be lots of action and hot chicks

  6. Ben says:

    The video reminded me that I need to see this. I’ll watch anything with Sammo Hung in it!

  7. Shaun says:

    End credits: “Sammo Hung as ‘Man who no speaka da English.’

  8. Sven says:

    Once the singing started, with the rainbow glider zipping around, and Jimmy fighting half naked men in white boxers, things got a little homoerotic there for a sec. But Jimmy sets things straight with the female glider pilot soon after the opening.

  9. Rathanak Yong says:

    The song Sky High was playing, a perfect fit for hang gliding over the city, thought it was so cool.. Where jimmy was teaching and sparring with students and hang glider dropped in to find out its a pretty woman:) shot in Australia, beautiful scenery.

  10. David says:

    Have always wanted to see this film; but sadly it has never come to pass for me. It is not available for purchase in the U.S. I even love the song Sky High by Jigsaw.

    I actually liked the opening. It makes me want to see the film more than ever now. Yeah, I am a sucker for JWY films. Maybe I can find it for viewing online.

    • David says:

      OK just found the full length film on youtube now. Actually watching it on 4K tv. The picture quality is much better than I thought it would be. So happy that tv’s can upscale and make them look better.

  11. Derek says:

    Crocodile Dundee interviews Sammo Hung. JWY shooting and kicking butt, and a woman crash landing during material maneuvers. Another typical day in Hong Kong.

  12. Bernie W says:

    It’s difficult to explain. It has gun ranges, hanglinding and George Lazenby. Thanks for the opportunity to win the movie. Looks like a good movie.

  13. Chris Lane says:

    Ah the good ole days of Hong Kong cinema. Love the film style and the opening has a very James Bondish feeling to it!

  14. Viktor A. says:

    James Bond who??? Man… we’d blow that sucka SKY. HIGH.

  15. fabian says:

    Great film….you can sammo like man i was fighting Bruce Lee like two years before this….and jimmy Wang you is like with one arm I can kick a$$…but with two arms I am unstoppable… Fun great film

  16. Matthew A. says:

    Look’s awesome, put on the to watch list!

  17. Cheh Chieh Huang says:

    Gotta love those gun shots that align to the song’s opening track. Way ahead of its day.

  18. Pai Mei says:

    You see this cat Jimmy is a bad mother….
    (Shut your mouth)
    But I’m talkin’ about Jimmy
    (Then we can dig it)
    He’s a complicated man
    But no one understands him but his hang-glidin woman
    (Jimmy Wang Yu)

  19. Evan says:

    First off, best fight music out there and second, tomorrow she is gonna have to do the hang glide of shame to get home in the morning. Beautifully shot sequences.

  20. Adam S. says:

    Attempting to describe this opening sequence compares to one’s first experience viewing the Mona Lisa in person. There are simply no words, just images: Target Practice, tiny shorts, Hang gliding, tiny khaki shorts, Kung Fu, more tiny shorts, Skyscrapers, tiny white shorts, A woman among men wearing tiny shorts.

  21. Josh Boutwell says:

    Just makes me wanna watch it!

  22. Sharon Walsh says:

    Wow, hearing Sky High by Jigsaw really gave me a flashback, as did the rainbow colored hang glider. Rainbows were big back then! The police training is quintessential modern-day HK martial arts at its finest and instantly transports me to a city I’ve never seen (yet). I’ve also never seen this film with Sammo and now I need to find it. But in the meantime, if wants to be kind enough to bestow upon me a copy of No Tears for the Dead, I’d be ecstatic!

  23. Jung Lah says:

    A top-notch example of the viewing pleasure that ’70s Hong Kong action filmmaking induces, this opening sequence is bookended by a villainous racist Caucasian character and the surprise reveal of a heroic Caucasian character; the good stuff, however, occurs in between, where we get an earnest theme song playing over panoramic cityscape shots and a hang-glider, interspersed with police officer formations and combat training sequences. The pacing of the song in relation to the various intercut scenes leads perfectly to their merging by the song’s end, and with it, the end of the opening credits. A glorious co-production with Australia, this film and its opening promise a former 007 actor, real stunts, and Jimmy Wang-Yu kicking ass…all of which it goes on to deliver, in my humble opinion.

  24. Liz says:

    sammo hung getting face slapped by james bond! intriguing!!

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