Cityonfire and Well Go USA are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of ‘Drug War’ – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

Drug War | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Drug War | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA) and Well Go USA are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of Drug War to three lucky Cityonfire visitors. To enter, simply add a comment and list 3 of your guilty pleasures. We will be selecting three winners at random. Be sure to include your email address in the appropriate field so we can contact you for your home address. Additionally, you must ‘Like Us‘ on’s Facebook by clicking here.

The Blu-ray & DVD for Drug War will be officially released on October 15, 2013. We will announce the 3 lucky winners on October 15th and ship out the prizes immediately.

CONTEST DISCLAIMER: You must enter by October 14th to qualify. Also, because Well Go USA holds the film’s U.S. rights, only U.S. residents may enter the contest. We sincerely apologize to our non-U.S. visitors. Contest is subject to change without notice.

WINNERS: Congratulations to Chad H., Andrew and Travis E. You have all been notified via email.

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27 Responses to Cityonfire and Well Go USA are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of ‘Drug War’ – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

  1. Here’s a few of my guilty pleasures:

    1. McDonalds. I probably eat there about once every three months. But when I do, I love every single bite. Other than that, I dispise fast food.

    2. I love playing arcade games from the 1980s. Some may dismiss this act as guilty pleasure, but when one chooses to play Galaga or Donkey Kong over a factory-sealed copy of Last of Us, I say it qualifies!

    3. I’m a grown man, but when I’m at a store, I always drag my girlfriend/friends to the toy section. It always ends with me saying “This sh*t sucks. Toys were so much better when I was a kid!”

  2. Prodigal Son says:

    1. Watching Kung Fu movies. I have 2 kids and a very selfish wife. So I get very little time to myself. So in order for me to find the time, I have to loose sleep to do so.

    2. Playing video games. Same reason as the first.

    3. Chocolate chip cookies… So good.

  3. Matthew A. says:

    Movies, Chicken wings, video games

  4. Adam C. says:

    My three guilty pleasures.

    1. Pro Wrestling
    2. Reality TV shows
    3. Really, really ghetto trap music.

  5. opiumkungfucracker says:

    1. Porn
    2. Watching Ellen butt naked
    3. Britney Spears-Hit Me Baby One More Time (Album)

  6. Ben says:

    Oh boy, here’s the list:

    1. Facebooking at work when I have deadlines to meet

    2. Spending way too much money on movies and video games

    3. Eating too much fast food

  7. Sheldon says:

    Three guilty pleasures:
    1) Eating insane amounts of pineapple buns in any given week.
    2) Sorting and resorting my DVD shelf… and taking an absurd amount of time doing it!
    3) Goldeneye 007 — the movie and the game.

  8. Chad Harry says:

    1, Ice Cream… Dear God, someone was gifted with the mind of an genius. Love this stuff. I just have to work out like crazy afterwards.

    2. I love John Wayne films lol. MY youth was Bruce Lee and John Wayne

    3. I like lovey Dovey music. Makes me feel good lol.

  9. Nick says:

    I’ll make my three movie themed:

    1) The Final Destination movies – No matter how many of these they make, I will always go see them. Just good fun. I know, recycled plot, but come on, some of the most creative deaths ever in film are in this franchise.

    2) Jason Statham movies – The guy is badass, pure and simple. I’ve seen nearly all his films.

    3) Romantic Comedies – Once in a great while, I like a good RomCom. Hitch, Chasing Libery are some of my favorites.

  10. Ron says:

    1 Van Damme movies (specifically Double Impact).
    My brother and I have watched all of the Van Damme films so much that we have a game where we try to out quote each other only using Van Damme lines from his movies. First guy that gets stuck, loses.

    2 KPop & JPop. I’m a hip hop head, but I turnt up when I hear a Girls Generation, Crystal Kay, M-FLo, S.E.S., Wonder Girls and Speed. Some of their dance routines are pretty dope.

    3 Food. I will mix as many things together into one meal so I can enjoys all flavors and textures at once. During “Van Damme Sundays” (A tradition my younger brother and I have where a spread of food is in front of us while we enjoy one Van Damme movie and one non Van Damme movie on Sundays), I will usually mix carbs like rice, mash potatoes, french fries, potato chips and whatever sauce is available to compliment the fried chicken or pizza I’m eating or get three or more flavors of ice cream and toast some Hawaiian bread with some reese’s make a sandwich out of it. I’m a little guy, but I can eat.

  11. nekromistress says:

    1. I like old episodes of 90210

    2 I sometimes listen to Britney Spears

    3. I compliment random people if they have awesome veins. (The phlebotomist in me)

  12. Rob says:

    1. Dominos Pizza – night in with the PS3 and pizza when my better half is out for the evening.

    2. Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey – for shame…

    3. Wong Jing movies – I’ll pub conversation anyone on their many merits!

  13. Travis Else says:

    1) Needing to buy the latest kung fu/Asian Blu/DVD releases.

    2) Always having to buy some exotic dark chocolate (or regular dark chocolate) when I’m at any store.

    3) The need to work out all of the continuity for Star Trek in my head.

  14. sleestakk says:

    1. General Mills Monster Cereals, which holy shit I’ve been eating way too much of lately. If they were actually good I probably wouldn’t feel guilty.

    2. Hamburgers. (Edzo’s, Wildburger, Kuma’s, Portillo’s, etc etc etc) Eat too often and feel so guilty. But so much pleasure.

    3. Cheesy Skinemax flicks that are usually terrible. Probably the only movie related thing I’m even the slightest guilty about b/c I usually don’t have any guilt over what I watch. But those flicks, yeah, they’re not good.

  15. Mr Ringo says:

    1. Lo carb Monster energy drinks

    2. Camel menthol

    3. Kpop’s Yoona, I’d drink her bathwater

  16. Jay Finesse says:

    Three of my guilty pleasures…
    1. The TV show “Married… With Children”

    2.Old school Hip Hop

    3. Hong Kong action cinema!

  17. Alan Tan says:

    1. A nice juicy steak.Porterhouse and lobster tails.
    2. A nice mid afternoon nap when possible.
    3. Movie marathons.

  18. Jaz says:

    I indulge in these 3 guilty pleasures at the same time when my BF is away for the weekend …
    – dressing in very old and worn sweatpants & hoodie
    – eating Kraft mac & cheese with crushed Doritos sprinkled on top
    – watching tear-jerker K-dramas and 70’s Shaolin movies

  19. Eddie W says:

    My 3 are

    1. Daredevil… The 2002 movie. Yup. I once said that was my life story. Didn’t know what that meant when I said, but it did hit home.

    2. The DOA volleyball video game. I was playing that for days to get every girl the skimpiest ‘fit.

    3. Ex porn actress kira kenner. When asked why, I said, “her cheekbones remind me of Brandon Lee”. I should’ve gave a more generic answer.

    *please don’t judge me…

  20. Andrew says:

    1st Anime, I watch more anime then any other thing… the sad part is my spouse, friends, and other family don’t care for it at all, so it’s a Solo pleasure as well 🙁

    2nd Collecting Asian cinema. It’s kinda like a never ending money sponge, but it’s so awesome to do!!

    3rd’s hard from me to pass by w/o grabbing a coffee

  21. David says:

    1) Buying way too many tennis clothes. I am addicted.

    2) Also buying too many sic-fi Blu-rays. Why can’t I just watch them when they are on TV.

    3) Listening to heavy metal music. Nothing like a head banging grandpa that most people assume is into classical from the way he looks. LOL

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