South Korea has its own ‘Bad Lieutenant’ to deal with

"Bad Lieutenant" Korean Theatrical Poster

“Bad Lieutenant” Korean Theatrical Poster

Has South Korea remade Abel Ferrara’s 1992 cult classic film Bad Lieutenant? Not quite, but close…

Action director Lee Jeong-beom (Man from Nowhere, No Tears for the Dead) is back with his very own Bad Lieutenant (aka Bad Police), which follows a bad police officer (The Advocate: A Missing Body’s Lee Sun-Kyun) as he confronts an even more vicious society.

The upcoming film (we’ve since then have reviewed it) also stars Jeon So-Nee (After My Death), Park Hae-Joon (Heart Blackened) and Yun Ji-On (Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds).

Bad Lieutenant hits Korean theaters on March 21, 2019. Check out its Trailer below:


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4 Responses to South Korea has its own ‘Bad Lieutenant’ to deal with

  1. Jersey Joe says:

    “Regardless if the upcoming Korean remake is related to either one of these films, one thing is certain: it’ll be the third movie under the Bad Lieutenant banner, and it will obviously be about a “Bad Lieutenant”

    What a waste of time this article was. Why not do some investigation?

  2. Z Ravas says:

    Holy crap, we finally have a new film from Lee Jeong-beom? And it stars the lead from “A Hard Day,” Lee Sun-Kyun? Well Go USA, please pick up the rights to this flick immediately!

  3. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    Loved The man from nowhere. No tears for the dead is a piece of shit.

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