10 Unexpected Ways Can Get Inspired
There are many quotes to help you get inspired, but talk can be cheap.
If you feel like you’ve hit a rut that no witty saying can pull you out of, then we’ve got some out-of-the-box tactics to help you get back on the right track.
Before we get there, however, let’s think about the underlying need. Why do we need inspiration at all? Let’s take a closer look.
How Inspiration Helps
Inspiration works to prepare your mind for tasks of great personal importance. People use inspiration for needs like these.
- Achieving a goal at work
- Pushing the body past its limits at the gym
- Composing a novel, story, song, or school assignment
- Completing a home project
- Cleaning their house or apartment
These tasks can be either something you want to do or something you need to do. In either case, inspiration helps get the job done faster and better. Now that we’ve hit the basics, let’s turn our attention to how you can find inspiration in some of the unlikeliest of places.
1. Play Games on Your Phone
Conventional wisdom and your everyday productivity guru might tell you not to find inspiration by turning to your smartphone. We disagree.
You certainly don’t want to let screen time dominate your productivity time. However, it’s not quite the boogeyman that others would have you to believe.
A smartphone can be a wealth of information. It can play motivational music or give you time to pause and reflect through meditation apps. You can read books, watch movies, or play games that keep the mind sharp and active.
If going this route, use it responsibly. Too much screen time can have adverse effects, so only pick it up with the purpose to get inspired and use it strictly in short bursts as a reward to keep your mind active. That means staying off social media and not getting caught in a mindless neverending scroll.
2. Escape Into a Book or TV Show
Another unlikely source to turn to when looking for inspiration is a book or television show. Once again, going this route should be done with purpose and responsibility.
For a book, make a deal with yourself that you can read a chapter after you’ve accomplished something that needs to be done. Also, pick books to read that encourage your thinking and creativity. The titles and genres will vary based on what you enjoy and are naturally compelled to read.
For televisions shows, follow the same course of action. You can only watch one or two episodes after you’ve pushed through and accomplished something that needs to get done. Once again, pick what works for you, whether it’s a scripted drama, light sitcom, or informative documentary.
3. Accept Your Failure
Another way to become inspired is to accept the fact that you’re failing at it. In other words, don’t beat yourself up if you’re trying and failing to get motivated. Acknowledge the failure, take a deep breath or even a break, and get ready to go again.
4. Do Something You Are Not Prepared to Do
Many overcome their inability to get inspired by pushing themselves past their boundaries. They intentionally do something they’re not necessarily prepared for.
Remember that strength is built. It isn’t given. You have to work beyond what you’re capable of to reach new thresholds and limits.
5. Embrace Amnesia
Another way to feel inspired is to train yourself to have a short memory. That is, don’t spend too long dwelling on the mistakes or the defeats of the past. That was another person who experienced those things, not the You that you currently are.
Failures can shape you, teach you, serve as cautionary tales; but they should never dictate your current actions or keep you from trying. Work to develop voluntary amnesia as you realize that each new day is a new opportunity.
6. Have a Drink or Smoke
Obviously, any substance that you use will need to be consumed with moderation and responsibility. You can find out more by visiting legal dispensaries or reading up on the effects of alcohol, and you’ll certainly want to avoid substances with which you may have an addiction.
However, taking a smoke break or having an ice-cold beer with a friend or colleague can be just the push that you need to get past an inspiration roadblock. Just keep your focus on the task and not the next bud or bottle.
7. Put All Eggs Into One Basket
Some people will tell you not to put all your eggs into one basket. They mean you should cultivate multiple options so if something doesn’t work out, you’ll have something else to fall back on.
That’s not how many of the greats in their fields have achieved greatness, though. Instead of assuming the probability of failure, they put in all of their chips and logged the time and the effort necessary to become experts in their field.
Don’t run from what you should be doing by being a Jack of All Trades. Believe you can be the best by going all-in.
8. Ditch the News
Anymore, the news is about fear-mongering and clickbait. Yes, you need to stay informed, but the truth is often found in what you’re able to discern from the differing ways that news is reported, not from the stories themselves.
In other words, don’t obsess over the things you can’t control and realize that everyone has an agenda. Unfortunately, that agenda includes fear and negativity because, more often than not, that’s what sells.
9. Learn to Love Alone Time
Take time to just do nothing. Don’t answer your phone or text people back or return emails. Ways we recommend spending your alone time:
- Setting your phone in another room
- Cooking a meal
- Exercising
- Doing a puzzle
Get in touch with your inner introvert. Allow her to run the show.
10. Spend Money
As with all the brow-raising items on this list, we urge you not to do so irresponsibly. Live within your budget, but make room in that budget for entertainment or education.
Spending money is a great way to keep yourself motivated and upbeat as you take on new challenges. You also can use your money as an investment in yourself by buying a book or magazine or course that will teach you how to do something you’ve always wanted to do.
These Tips to Get Inspired Can Change Your Life for the Better
We hope you’ve found something on this list that will help you get inspired. Best of luck as you try to slay whatever dragons lie ahead.
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