Warner Japan builds local niche

Warner Japan's "Paradise Kiss" is the studio's latest hit.

Warner Japan's "Paradise Kiss" is the studio's latest hit.

Variety reports that the Studio arm finds success in film production.

In June, Warner Japan released its 10th local production to pass the ¥1 billion mark, “Paradise Kiss.” Based on a hit comic by Ai Yazawa about an exam-stressed high school girl who finds a new life and romance with a crowd of teen fashionistas, the pic is forecast to finish with $18.5 million.

“Films in development have been rewritten to eliminate content that evokes the tragedy, while local writers and directors seem for now to have shifted focus to more uplifting human dramas,” says Warner Japan topper William Ireton.

Read full article here. – Thanks to Tony F. for the heads up!

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1 Response to Warner Japan builds local niche

  1. ningen31 says:

    Surprised PK’s doing well, as the manga and anime are fairly shallow and materialistic; and I thought it’d be as appropriate as Sex in the City 2 was to us. But it could be withdrawal over the creator being on hiatus over her Nana manga.

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