Police Story II


"We had more complicated story, bombing, still fighting but this also had a little romance..."

- Jackie Chan

Police Story II (1988)

AKA: Police Force II; Kowloon's Eye

Literally: Police Story Sequel

Director: Jackie Chan (Sing Lung)

Producer: Leonard Ho Koon-Cheung

Writer: Jackie Chan (Sing Lung), Edward Tang King-Sun

Action Director: Jackie Chan's Stuntman Association

Cast: Jackie Chan (Sing Lung), Bill Tung Piu, Maggie Cheung Man-Yuk, Lam Kwok-Hung, Crystal Kwok Kam-Yan, Angile Leung Wan-Yui, Chor Yuen, Kenny Ho Kar-King, Lam Kwok-Bun, Charlie Cho Cha-Lei, Ann Mui Oi-Fong, Benny Lai, Mars Cameo Appearance: Wu Ma, Lau Siu-Ming, Lau Ching-Wan, Michael Chow Man-Kin, Yip Sun, Alvina Kong Yan-Yin, Ken Lo Wai-Kwong

Running Time: 90 min 133 min film

Plot: Jackie Chan's one-man war on a criminal gang has earned him a reprimand and a demotion from detective to traffic cop, not to mention continual harassment by the gang. He decides to take a long-overdue vacation but his leave is cancelled when Hong Kong is hit with a wave of bomb scares. Jackie unofficially follows up some leads of his own and tracks down the suspected gang. Knowing that Jackie is close on their heels, the gang kidnaps his girlfriend in order to force Jackie to turn against the police. In a spectacular climax rivaling that of the record-breaking original, Jackie rescues the girl and brings the gang unceremoniously to justice.


ANDREW'S REVIEW: The most underrated of the Police Story series, Police Story II features bomb throwing bad guys and a more intimitae relationship between Inspector Chan and his girlfriend. At one point someone had the bright idea to try and combine the first two police story films into one epic action film. While this could work with some serious editing, some of the characters that return in the second film look and act very diferently than they did in the first film, even though their parts are played by the same actors. At any rate it should be noted that both films were very successful by themselves. Police Story II never won the acclaim and admiration that the first film did, but it did receive recogntion at the Hong Kong Film Awards. Benny Lai, a long time behind-the scenes stuntman who frequently works with Jackie Chan played one of the bad guys in this film. While his companions were big and brawny, Benny's character was a deaf-mute who put up a facade of helplessness and frailty. But much to Kevin Chan's surprise it was Benny's character who was the toughest to deal with. In one sequence he actually kicks Jackie three times while in the air!


DJ NIXON'S REVIEW: This movie is the sequel to the greatest HK cop movie ever made, and yes, it does live up to it's expectations. Unlike Supercop and First Strike PS 2 follows just months after the original. Ku is out of jail and it's up to Kevin Chan (Jackie Chan) to stop him. What can I say? It's a great movie! The action, fighting, and humor never lets up. I loved the playground fight, it's without a doubt one of Jackie's finest. The stunts are also great in this one (although not nearly as good as the first), in one, Jackie Chan jumps from one moving bus to another! That's the best stunt in the movie. Maggie Chueng has a much bigger part in this movie, and we get to see alot more of her personality in this one, which is good. I felt that in the first that just kinda threw her in the movie to add a bit of a twist. The end fight was something different from Jackie's others, where in the end Jackie actually gets really tired out and gets the snot betten out of him by a small guy who can REALLY kick. But in the end Jackie wins, but I'm not gonna tell you how :) you'll just have to see it for yourself. Overall I thought it was a great movie. Not as good as the first though.......


RO'S REVIEW: I liked this movie even more than the first. The plot and characters are more developed than in Part I, and the humor is less broad. Jackie's been demoted (due to his extreme measures in capturing the bad guys in Part I) and the goons (from Part I) start harassing and threatening May, his girlfriend. He quits the force just as a new group of bad guys extort some businessmen with bomb threats. So he's back on the job and in charge of the investigation. I also liked the integration of other police officers into the scenes, especially the way they covered for him after he punches out a bad guy in the squad room and the unorthodox interrogation of a suspect. You go, girls! There are lots of thrilling fights and stunts. I loved the one in the playground and the final one in the warehouse was typically spectacular (isn't that an oxymoron?), with the added attraction of the bad guy bomb expert with great legs! Wow! How does he stay in the air long enough to kick Jackie 3 times?!?! In the version I saw, Jackie's voice was dubbed by some anonymous Chinese guy. It sounded better than other dubbed voices I've heard, but it's still not Jackie. P.S. I counted more head wounds in this movie's outtakes than any other I've seen yet, including poor Maggie Cheung (May) who needed stitches.

RO'S RATING: 8.5/10 (Subtract a star if you really like malls, he trashed another one in this movie!)

DENNIS' REVIEW: This Ranks 2nd in my fav. Police Story series movies. It has good stunts and good fight scenes (especially the playground fight) but I was kind of dissappointed in the end. The end should have been longer. This was a good movie but could have been better. I have only seen the New LIne version on USA network - probably a lot of scenes were cut out from the original. Another thing is Jackie Did not Dub this movie over. It sounds like the voice of "Tsui" from First Strike just like Police story (New Line).


SHAOL!NDRUNKMONK'S REVIEW: This is probably one of Jackie's most underrated movies, but it is great nontheless. People criticise this one for not matching up to its prequel, but it is a very worthy sequel, and I rate this as one of his best films...Even though the action isn't as "urgent" as in part 1, it is on a much more personal level, and can get just as intense! This one features one his best fights in a playground that absolutley blew me away! And the stunt on the moving bus almost relieved the tension in my bladder!..Don't ask. When Jackie does his trademark stuff with the pipe at the playground, you will start to get involved with the film, 'cause, homie, ain't nobody can't touch tha' man. Vato. Holmes. Ese. Foo'.  The Universe version of the Media Asia VCD is excellent quality, and is a great transfer. How this guy choreographs his fights, nobody but he and his stunt-team knows. This film takes place alot during the night, and has a "darker" feel, but you still get good comedy and lots of Maggie Cheung. That alone is warrant enough to get you to see this film!


MARCIA'S REVIEW: I have to disagree with the majority of the other reviewers here and say that this is better than the original (blasphemy!). The opening sequence was a nicely crafted piece of cinema, and it gets better from there. It seemed to me that the plot was somewhat smoother than PS, too -- no sudden change into an over-the-edge psycho for our hero, for example. One of the best features of this film for me, though, was the fact that Maggie Cheung actually had a (gasp!) _dramatic role_! (I don't think anyone can blame me for pooh-pooh'ing her acting abilities at the point in time when the only thing I'd seen her in was the dubbed version of Supercop...) You actually feel that there's a connection between the lead characters -- they are actually in love, instead of being in a sort of relationship of convenience. All in all, this film felt more "real" to me. Glowing comments in the other reviews about the fight scenes (and Maggie's butt, if your preferences run that way, I guess) apply to my opinion, too, so go read the redundant stuff elsewhere.


WEI XIN'S REVIEW: Highlight for me: Jackie beating up that annoying, runty "ABBA" guy at the end.


DEAD CHANNEL'S REVIEW: One of my all time favorite Jackie Chan movies, this one has it all. Great action, great fight scenes and Maggie Cheung (extensively)! Need I say more? Okay I will. First of all, I think it's a necessity to watch the first Police Story before seeing this one, that way when Ku shows his face in the car, it's more hard hitting like, "Oh shit! That's Ku!" Ahem, I think I may have ruined the surprise there, sorry. Disregard the above lie! Anyway, I noticed a lot of similarities between this and Rumble in the Bronx (this came first by the way!). The playground scene, fighting around the little monkey-bar thing (the orange crescent shaped device in Rumble: by now you all are probably going, "What the fuck is he on about?" Hahah..) The guy busting his nose on the pole when he turns around real quick, and the dead-end scene. Okay, well. By the way, does anybody remember the previews for Rumble in the Bronx where they showed Jackie on top of a white bus and he jumped over a sign, and then ducked under another real quick (the bus was moving)? Yeah that's in _this_ movie! Those cheaters. Anyway, think about it like this: Maggie Cheung, exploding remote control cars, torture with bang-snaps (those little white papers that pop when you chunk 'em), quite a few explosions, a dope ass playground fight scene, bomb threats and all kinds of other dope shit. Oh yeah, did I mention Maggie Cheung? By the way, peep the outtakes: Maggie gets popped on the head by a metal frame and cuts her head open! (For real! They show it!) Anyway, check it out.. but check out Police Story I first!


NUMSKULL'S REVIEW: This isn't a funny review, but you will find it hilarious by comparison after:

  • having an enema with boiling hot water
  • receiving a Friday the 13th-style sex change
  • watching Dennis Miller's TV show
  • supervising four dozen twelve-year-olds at a Hanson concert
Police Story 2 is the second installment in the Police Story film series. It takes place after Police Story 1 and before Police Story 3. The Police Story sequence is Jackie Chan's most successful series of films. AND YOU'D BETTER RECOGNIZE, MAGGOT. Jackie's character in these films is a nice guy who, when he's not on duty, lives by a simple code of conduct. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. However, the element that Jackie deals on a professional level often requires a more hard-nosed standard of behavior. DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY DO UNTO YOU. And, worst of all, the crime world of Hong Kong with which Jackie has to contend does not play very nicely at all. DO UNTO OTHERS, THEN RUN. In the first of the Police Story films, Jackie endangered some innocent people, so, as of the beginning of Police Story 2, he has been chewed out by his superiors. WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, DETECTIVE CHAN? From there, we are treated to a fast-paced action exhibition in which the threats made towards Jackie's girlfriend May figure prominently. ONLY MONGOLOID AMOEBAE DON'T KNOW THAT MAY IS THE FIFTH MONTH OF THE CALENDAR YEAR.

There's a fight in a restaurant, which is super; a fight in a playground, which is dandy; and a fight in a warehouse, which is totally neat-o. REMEMBER KIDS, FIGHTING NEVER SOLVES ANYTHING. WHEN SOMEONE INCESSANTLY PUSHES YOU AROUND, CALLS YOU NAMES, GIVES YOU WEDGIES, AND STEALS YOUR LUNCH MONEY, YOU SHOULD SHAKE THEIR HAND AND BECOME GOOD FRIENDS. All of the action sequences in this movie are good...so good, in fact, that you might work up a sweat and stink up the room just watching them. IF YOU WISH, YOU MAY USE THE PINK TRANSLUCENT SUBSTANCE THAT SMELLS LIKE BUBBLE GUM, SO THAT THERE WILL BE SUDS AND FUN FOR EVERYONE. I believe that the first Police Story is a better film than this one, although it isn't as disappointing a sequel as was Project A Part II. NOW GET OFF THIS SUBVERSIVE PROPAGANDA SITE AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL LIKE MIXING WHITEWASH, YOU SON OF A MOTHERLESS GOAT.


CHRIS E'S REVIEW: Although not as good as the first, still a very good sequel. Kevin and May's relationship was developed even further without getting in the way of the action. The finale was a little disappointing. The fight between JC and the mute guy(who kicked ass by the way) should have gone on a little longer. This one contains some of Jackie's best and most imaginative stunts. Highly recommended.


DAN-O'S REVIEW: Okay, let's get the basics out of the way first: It wasn't as good as the first flick, but we knew that, right?, and how many sequels are (besides The Godfather II, Aliens, and Drunken Master II)? And so what if the characters look and feel like walking talking cardboard cutouts, or if the story gave no real insight into anything. It wasn't meant to, because, say it with me; "This Is A Jackie Chan Picture!". What else can I say that has not yet been said? Well, how 'bout this little observation..... are ya ready?: THOSE BASTARDS SPED UP THE FIGHT SCENES AGAIN!! Dammit, who the hell is responsible for pulling this crap?!?! Oh man, I HOPE it ain't Jackie, or I will be SORELY disappointed! I hope the original film wasn't butchered in this way (side note: I'm reviewing the re-edited, English dubbed North American version. I have no clue just how different the original Cantonese version is)! Now I realize to some this may seem like a minor quibble, a ripple in a toilet bowl, not even worth wasting words on, but they, and you if you feel this way, are wrong. It's okay, I'm sure you've been wrong more than once, so this is nothing new. Y'see, when they speed up the fights (THE reason we watch these kinds of movies, other than the stunts and such), they completely obliterate all sense of grace, fluidity, and timing in a ham-handed attempt to make the film more "exciting", which of course is a total crock. I don't care if Jackie IS "the Buster Keaton of our generation", I don't wanna feel as if I'm actually WATCHING a Buster Keaton film, where everything moves at twice normal earthly speed! I had to rewind a few of the fight scenes and watch 'em at least 3 times while squinting before I could make out what the hell was goin' on!

Okay, now that I'm done ranting my ass clean off, let's focus now on what went RIGHT with this movie:  You do get a few fantastic shots of Maggie Cheung's butt in tight fitting pants; that's a definite plus (and it's what I think Jeff was alluding to in his review)! The deaf-mute character really creeped me out. Maybe it was that voice over that made him sound like Fazzie Bear having an orgasm (I am NOT making this up!). Uh, lessee, what else.... Oh,  the theme song at the end was catchier than the original, and the outtakes were more entertaining. So Dan-O, What's the BOTTOM LINE?: Don't fuck with the Hearing Impaired!

DAN-O'S RATING: 7 out of some number less than 11 but a wee bit higher than 9

DANIEL'S REVIEW: This movie was the 2nd best Police Story film. This first, of course, is the first one. This film has everything you want. The fight in the playground is really tight. It's so well choreographed. The stunts with the nylon tube and the car jumping stunts are one of his best. This movie has it all!! This should be seen by every action movie fan, liking Jackie or not.


VICTOR NGUYEN'S REVIEW: This is the film that many, including me, have been waiting for, the sequel to one of Jackie Chan's greatest films of all time, but when I saw it, I was mildly disappointed. This film isn't as good as part 3 and a far cry from part 1, but is better than 4. Jackie again plays Kevin Chan, cop demoted to traffic control after the destorying lots of property and glass in the first film. Little does Kevin know is that Ku is after him again, and is also threatened I with terrorist's. This film lacks the enjoyment of the first film, but it still had it's moments, both in comedy and action. For comedy, I liked it when May( Maggie Cheung) storms into the police shower and bathroom in order to comfront Kevin, going into a stall in which Uncle Bill is occupying it, and for action, the fight in the resteraunt, the playground, and the finale. The outtakes were pretty good too. Overall, Jackie fans should check it out everywhere, but don't expect the Police Story that we all know and love.


ALOHO'S REVIEW: This was the last of all four police stories I saw. I thought this would act as the missing link between PS and PS3. It connected to Police Story. It even brought back Ku and his gang. But PS2 hardly relates to PS3. On to the movie. The romance was well mixed into this flick, because it is good and it doesn't interfer with the action-oriented stuff. Final fight is with Benny Lai. It was really cool, but Jackie didn't show off his stuff. Benny Lai executes all these really cool kicks and Jackie either blocks or gets hit. One cool thing Chan did was climbing the underside of stairs. He finally fights back with some explosive. Jackie's cool stunt of the film was when he crosses the street by jumping on moving buses. Only he would think of a bizarre thing like that. Saving the best for last is the playground fight. This is what I call an "enviroment fight". These are the kind of fights where he uses his surroundings as an advantage, but yields the use of props. Examples of these are: underwater fight in First Strike, wind tunnel scene in Operation Condor, and many more. A whole bunch of pipe wielding thugs attack him. A bunch of stunts in within 5 minutes. I think this is his best fight ever.


CLINT'S REVIEW: Everyone seems to think that this movie is so serious and dull, but I tend to disagree. There's the guy that gets his specs broken in just about every scene that he appears in. And when JC gives that motivatuional speech about catching the bombers and then his superior repeats to the next guy, then he screws it up when trying to repeat it to his superiors. Of course you cannot forget the scene where May barges into the men's locker room to bitch at JC. There are other scenes too. You people need to look for the humor in this film. Now that I am done with the comedy side of this movie, I'll get to the action. Beauty of a fight in the playground is better than the finale, which consists of mostly fire and explosions. YAWN. There are lots of great stunts, but I feel fighting and comedy carry more importance in a JC effort. This movie is overlooked because of how great PS1 and PS3 are, but I still love it and so should you.


SUPERMAN'S REVIEW: This seems to be the lost episode of the Police Story series, though it shouldn't be . I've heard of versions of this film in which it was filled with nonsense flashbacks, but this version I did not see. If your a Jackie Chan fan like me then you watch JC movies to see fighting and stunts with a splash of humor. Police Story 2 has it . To me it seemed as if there was some sort of action at least every fifteen minutes. There's one stunt in a plastic type tube in which an explosion occurs with Jackie in it and yet people seem to forget about this one ! Do yourself a favor and enjoy this one !


YUMMYSPAM'S REVIEW: Some people will tell you that PS2 is the worst PoliceStory Movie. They are all wrong. For intense fights, good action, and terrific explosions, it is the BEST one. Jackie Chan reprises his role as Ka-Kui, and there are numerous/annoying flashbacks realting to the first movie. But this flick shines on its own, the stunts are incredible, and Benny Ko puts up a good fight at the end that makes Ken Lo look like a putz. The plot is, well, who watches jackie movies for the plot. Let's just say it's not quite as dumb as some of his others. Maggie Cheung has a far more significant role in this movie then her terrible part in Police Story. This movie is a great end to Jackie's self-directed PS films, and stands as good competition to Stanley Tong's big-budgeted Police Story 3 & 4.