Legendary Tai Fei


"I'd rather be ass-raped by an eight dicked walrus than watch this movie again."

- Li Wang

Legendary Tai Fei (1999)

Director: Kant Leung (Wang Fat)

Producer: Lee Siu-Kei

Cast: Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Teresa Mak (Ga Kei), Lai Chun, Lam Chi Sin, Law Kwan Yee, Chiu Lai Yee, Samuel Leung (Cheuk Moon), Chan Nam Wing, Chat Pui Wan, Tsui Ling Ling, Lee Siu-Kei

Running Time: ?

Plot: This film focuses on the character of Tai Fei (Anthony Wong)--from the Young And Dangerous film series--and what happens when he learns he has a teenage son.


LI-WANG'S REVIEW: This movie sucks shit. To the 50th power. It is literally in my bottom 5 of all time list just above New Fist of Fury and Sexy and Dangerous.

The movie is supposed to be a Young and Dangerous spinoff about, of course, Tai Fei. It's not. Besides the fact that the character is played by Anthony Wong and picks his nose (evidently this is supposed to be funny or something) it has nothing to do with the series. For a long time I actually suspected it being an old unreleased movie Wong Jing pulled out of a vault and redubbed as a Y&D movie.

The storyline centers around Tai Fei reuniting with his long lost son, who is a small potato in a rival gang. The leader of said gang is a pretty evil guy. If you can't guess the rest of the plot for yourself, please just gore yourself through the chest with an ice pick for the good of the rest of humanity.

Random things that suck about this movie:

-The gang

It's like the gang from Young and Dangerous except without the appeal or interesting characters. Triad stock actor Samuel Leung plays one of the members. Needless to say it's his worst performance ever.

-Awful DVD transfer

They didn't even bother doing the halfway decent transfer most HK DVDs get. The subtitles are aligned to the far right indicating that the image is centered way too far to the left. It's not as if anyone in their right mind would actually watch this movie more than once anyway, though.

-Skanky chicks who are supposed to be hot

This movie nearly gave me Bruceploitation flashbacks. Tai Fei's son and his friends have an entourage of skank girlfriends. One of them dresses in a very cheap American Indian K-Mart costume for seemingly no reason. The main difference between these skanks and Bruce Li skanks, though, is that these ones never get naked. In one part of this retarded movie these highly obnoxious bitches are somehow able to sell hundreds of tickets to guys just by being skanks and showing an extremely tiny bit of cleavage.

-Naked man ass

Why do HK directors feel the need to throw naked or near naked guys into terrible movies and make things even worse? Early in the movie the gang frolics around nude in a locker room. There's even an extreme closeup of their asscracks for no reason at all.

- The bad guy

This guy is about as dangerous as a runt kitten that got kicked around too much by 3 year olds hopped up on pixy sticks and chocolate milk.

So there you have it. "The Legendary Tai Fei" has to be in the top 5 worst HK movies of all time. Triads the Inside Story looks like The Godfather in comparison. I'd rather be ass-raped by an eight dicked walrus than watch this movie again.

LI-WANG'S RATING: -1/10 (the man ass pushes this into negative territory)